Extra button detected as left on the dpad instead of L4
My device is the OneXFly. The extra button is the left one next to LB.
27 Replies
journalctl -b | fpaste
ZorryAnd this is on the steam tested?
No idea what you mean by "on the steam tester". Sorry I'm not well versed in this
Steam controller tester
Where did you see it's dpad right
Oh. I used "Test device input" under controller settings in game mode. I am on XBox controls with extra buttons set to elite
And it's dpad right instead of l4
Dpad left, yes
Did you set that in windows?
Oh shoot. I might have
Would I need to reinstall Windows?
the remapping code has been tested on an X1 and X1 Mini
i dont think we have verified it on the fly
thats the shortest way for you to fix it
remap it as a keyboard button
A keyboard button. But not L4?
there is no L4 in onexconsole
The other extra button returns a true R4
yeah i fyou remap it as a keyboard button its read as l4
Ok, can I test the remap code?
unfortunately, the code has already ran and it did nothing
but you can
sudo systemctl restart hhd@$(whoami)
and maybe it running again will help
maybe holding the powerbutton might reset the controller too but unsureRunning the code again did not work
i will ask onexplayer, but the back and forth will take a few days
at least
fastest thing you can do is dualboot windows
I'm looking for the manual thinking there had to be a hard reset button somewhere. But I can't find it
Thank you for your input. I have a hatred for Windows so I may not install it and just deal with my issue. If it's not an inconvenience, please do let me know if anything comes up from OneXPlayer
I just got my device and was wondering if this has improved with Bazzite updates, or if the best way to get both buttons detected as L4/R4 in Bazzite is still to bind them as keyboard buttons in Windows?
There is a bug
That one of you should sit for an hour and help me fix
Until then windows
If you let me know what you need to me to do to troubleshoot it, I can give it a try sometime tomorrow. I'm planning on setting up a dual boot when I wake up, so I can test with whatever bindings on Windows-side you want.
I need some logs and for you to run a command some times while I tweak stuff
If you do dual boot, set the top buttons as gamepad buttons so we can see if the fix works
Sure. Just let me know the commands and where to get the logs you need, I'll give it a try tomorrow and get back to you.
If we're online around the same time, should be able to test and respond fairly quick too.
For note, the default binding for the top-left button is actually a modifier, as opposed to any sort of regular controller/keyboard binding. Like, through their interface it allows you to bind other buttons to do other functions while that button is held.
Not sure if that setting is of any concern on the Bazzite side.
Well the gamepad works the same way in linux
As in windows
We just listen to the keyboard events that have the button id and use them for a controller that is compatible with steam input