What should i learn?

I jumped from bronze to gold 2 in a week then fell to gold 1 because I’m having a hard time adjusting to the pace, what should I learn and train except aim:Killjoy_Think:
4 Replies
shun̶̶n̶̶xd ジ
Also where can I find actual gold gameplay and not coaching session that says the same stuff again and again
Raum3mo ago
You need time and experience mostly, so you just stick to a role and a couple of agents As for gameplay, just watch actually good players, no need to limit yourself to a certain rank If you play initiators you can of course learn lineups and other useful util same for the other roles
shun̶̶n̶̶xd ジ
:Clove_Heart: thx for the info
tantai3mo ago
improve ur aim, positioning and crosshair placement. learn a handful of agents and analyse ur deaths @Ðaeira

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