Advice for a low elo
Hey I have watched many videos like guides and such ive been practicing i peaked plat 2 a year ago i just got back into this game this week still having some troubles climbing any advice my user is Sin#600 currently s2
10 Replies
i watch videos like from woohoojin and such
i do have a positive kda ratio but tht doesnt rlly matter all much
I dont blame my teammate for my losses either
crosshair placement, positioning, a sens u're comfortable with and i highly recommend queue with some friends, because most players in silver are kinda newbies ig while u seem pretty good actually + use comms and pings and shit because dead vc is most likely to not win the round (my experience) @Sin
Help me please pc won’t display anything
I made a post check it out
Didn’t mean to text in this one
I’m desperate
idk where
tbh im not that into pc, specs and shit
the best thing i can tell u is, look it up on yt
I did man I’ve looked up, read and watched about everything I could and still nothing, I’m praying some saint somehow finds away to solve ts dude or I’m literally cooked idk what to do right now I spent too much money on this shit and now in the blink of an eyeit’s not working
im sure the solution is somewhere on the web (yt or smt) so i personally would keep searching