Can I get banned for not buying others?

A recent post of mine explains how two in my team would throw the match completely all because of the fact that I didn't buy someone who at that point was far below me in stats. Can I somehow get punished for not purchasing players?
16 Replies
Memi <33
Memi <33•4mo ago
I dont think so but its very rude believe in your teamates buy them even if they are doing bad
Yes but they try to kill me… Why the hell should I be nice to them?
Memi <33
Memi <33•4mo ago
They tried to kill you before or after
Memi <33
Memi <33•4mo ago
Why would they try to kill you before
No idea… Because they are humans?
Memi <33
Memi <33•4mo ago
What else did you do that game before not buying
No idea, I guarded their back? Made sure that no one flanked so I set my turret behind in our spawn?
Memi <33
Memi <33•4mo ago
Did you bait them wait at the back when they already entered site?
They never entered side, they were standing there looking at me. The two players who cared positively about me entered, the two fools were both staring at my classic.
Memi <33
Memi <33•4mo ago
Id just chalk this up as bad teamates just buy when you can you mightve just forgot some tiny thing were they complaining about anyhing
The only thing that they complained about was myself not uninstalling the game.
Memi <33
Memi <33•4mo ago
Id say you did 1 thing wrong even yb accident they got mad
Well, they just constantly killed me to grab my weapon for free, it was once I didn’t buy any more weapons that they finally left me alone.
Memi <33
Memi <33•4mo ago
Id say you prob didnt buy them once too late to notice
Whatever the case, I hope from this comment that I can’t be punished then… I am losing all interest of ever being nice. 👿

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