mfad4mo ago

Want to redesign wardrobe to change my style

For budget I can't give a rough estimate since I want to buy a whole new slew of clothes I'm in Canada, Mississauga to be more specific. I have easy access to Toronto In person or online works all the same, so please drop all the store recs. I can wait for a sale I'm happy to buy second hand Height 183cm/6ft, Weight around 82kg, measurements should be waist 32-34 chest 38-40, I usually wear medium clothes and large hoodies. My favourite fitting clothes are usually small I don't know exact measurements but I like a tight fit over a loose one. Here's some images of what I liked from a little bit of digging through Pinterest
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20 Replies
OkamiMemoSOP4mo ago
I also enjoy wearing shit like turtle necks and leather jackets
zeometer4mo ago
there's a lot of repeating motifs: wide and high waisted pants, double knee jeans, oversized sweatshirts, short sleeve shirts with texture, big button downs, big sneakers if there's any of those you already own that aren't falling apart i'd keep them. otherwise many of these can be found in places like uniqlo or secondhand the double knees you can probably get from carhartt, the big sneakers are a personal preference (jordans vs af1s vs some other brand) and a beat up leather jacket is imo best found secondhand (schott is a good brand). this might be worth checking for stores, but in many of those instances the fit is larger or oversized so it's worth trying stuff on that may be bigger than your tagged clothing size https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1165400772805136445
OkamiMemoSOP4mo ago
I actually exclusively wear Jordan af1s, I have 7 to fit all different colours and vibes so yeah Guess I'll check out Uniqlo but where can I find second hand?
zeometer4mo ago
going off this and a few related posts kensington market, goodwill and value village sound like reasonable bets https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1309355350125973534/1309358134606958632
OkamiMemoSOP4mo ago
Guess I gotta go thrifting lmfao Issue is I'm scared I can't pull off that look
heckle4mo ago
only 1 way to find out
zeometer4mo ago
you are likely selling yourself short there. might be worth just trying to find one different thing and see how it fits/how you like it. worst comes to worst post a pic of you wearing it here and get an answer that way
OkamiMemoSOP4mo ago
Well I'm wearing something rn might fit the bill
OkamiMemoSOP4mo ago
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OkamiMemoSOP4mo ago
Just going out for a run
zeometer4mo ago
pretty solid casual fit (i'm assuming you're wearing af1s)
OkamiMemoSOP4mo ago
Something I contemplated wearing a few weeks ago but never ended up doing so
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zeometer4mo ago
again, a solid fit. in both cases i think you'd get closer to your inspo pics by wearing wider, higher rise pants
OkamiMemoSOP4mo ago
So the pants I sent in all the inspo pics they usually go higher in the waist?
zeometer4mo ago
i would emphasize the wider part of that sentence before the higher imo
OkamiMemoSOP4mo ago
Oh wider ok So belts are in order then I only have one belt but time to buy a variety
zeometer4mo ago
or maybe just a reversible one and see where it gets you theres often a temptation to want to buy a lot at once but it's worth taking time, seeing how you feel as you change things up otherwise you risk spending a lot of stuff you realize you hate
OkamiMemoSOP4mo ago
Very good advice, I'll start this week by simply going to the mall or maybe seeing some vintage stores online and buying a couple of pieces The wardrobe overhaul won't happen overnight I'll probably make this a year round project till end of 2025 Thanks for the help so far it's all been really insightful
carrion4mo ago
make sure you're looking for wide or loose fit/cut with a straight leg, specifically. Sizing up from your usual pants won't achieve the desired look.
OkamiMemoSOP4mo ago
Sounds good Going to a mall right now so I'll check out Uniqlo in person Any other recs y'all have ?

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