Validate file uploads in block in Twill 3

Hi there - does anyone know what the correct syntax is to validate file uploads using twillBlockValidationRulesForTranslatedFields? I've got a translated file input for a single pdf.
<x-twill::files name="file" label="Pdf File" :max="1" :translated="true" :required="true" />
<x-twill::files name="file" label="Pdf File" :max="1" :translated="true" :required="true" />
and at the top of the file:
'file' => 'required|mimes:pdf'
'file' => 'required|mimes:pdf'
But on validation this always thinks that the file is missing e.g.
"blocks.1063[file][en]": [
"The file field is required."
"blocks.en": [
"blocks.1063[file][fr]": [
"The file field is required."
"": [
"blocks.1063[file][en]": [
"The file field is required."
"blocks.en": [
"blocks.1063[file][fr]": [
"The file field is required."
"": [
I've tried various other keys for the rule e.g. medias.file etc with similar results. What am I doing wrong? Is this not currently supported?
4 Replies
moussaclarkeOP4mo ago
Medias payload in devtools looks correct as far as I can see:
"file[fr]": [
"id": 123,
"name": "75b035b4-1a09-4f43-aee3-7228db412713_BP-F2.PDF",
"src": "",
"original": "",
"size": "1.02 Mb",
"filesizeInMb": "1.02",
"pivot_id": 2614
"file[en]": [
"id": 123,
"name": "75b035b4-1a09-4f43-aee3-7228db412713_BP-F2.PDF",
"src": "",
"original": "",
"size": "1.02 Mb",
"filesizeInMb": "1.02",
"tags": [],
"deleteUrl": null,
"updateUrl": "https://example.test/admin/file-library/files/single-update",
"updateBulkUrl": "https://example.test/dashboard/file-library/files/bulk-update",
"deleteBulkUrl": "https://example.test/dashboard/file-library/files/bulk-delete",
"disabled": false
"file[fr]": [
"id": 123,
"name": "75b035b4-1a09-4f43-aee3-7228db412713_BP-F2.PDF",
"src": "",
"original": "",
"size": "1.02 Mb",
"filesizeInMb": "1.02",
"pivot_id": 2614
"file[en]": [
"id": 123,
"name": "75b035b4-1a09-4f43-aee3-7228db412713_BP-F2.PDF",
"src": "",
"original": "",
"size": "1.02 Mb",
"filesizeInMb": "1.02",
"tags": [],
"deleteUrl": null,
"updateUrl": "https://example.test/admin/file-library/files/single-update",
"updateBulkUrl": "https://example.test/dashboard/file-library/files/bulk-update",
"deleteBulkUrl": "https://example.test/dashboard/file-library/files/bulk-delete",
"disabled": false
ifox4mo ago
Hi @moussaclarke there may be a way to make it work but not officially supported. @antonio.a17 recently worked on a PR to improve blocks/repeater validation, but I don't think translated files have been considered specifically.
moussaclarkeOP4mo ago
thanks @ifox I will take a look. is this the pr in question?
Add support for nested block validation by antonioribeiro · Pull Re...
Description Adds support not only to validate neste blocks, but also for custom messages, all to be set within the block. Here&#39;s how it presents itself: Here&#39;s a full block example...
ifox4mo ago

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