I found a bug with Regen Shield and Viper Decay

I found a bug where anything under 101 damage doesn't kill in viper decay if you have regen shield. Me and a friend tried with every weapon and the only ones that oneshot body shot this were outlaw, op and the shotguns. I figured this was a bug so i wanted to let you know.
2 Replies
[PPP] Tap
[PPP] TapOP3mo ago
@MiracleNothing It's only Viper decay too, because I tried it with Clove decay as well
MiracleNothing3mo ago
I was involved in this experimentation, do note that this doesn't seem apply to heatshots. It looks like across the board, headshots do kill in a vipers pit/orb, such as the classic, even if it was not over 101 damage. Also, strangely enough, the regen shield does NOT decay Like, across the board Clove dismay, viper util, etc, doesn't decay the regen shield

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