Aldehydes ketones
Why is the esterification product more stable here? Does it always happen whenever there's an alcohol and a carboxylic acid? Or smth to do with five membered ring?

9 Replies
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to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.So sorry for fir the late response

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Not an oc expert man. Let us wait for other folks to respond.
Ithe hydrolysis reagent is H3O+ which is an acidic medium, and acid + alcohol present in acidic medm will form ester
There are only two possibilities
Estrification will or will not happen
If it doesn't, u have that compound, right after the hydrolysis
But if it does do estrification, it dehydrates to form ester, which is a five member ring
5 and 6 member rings are really stable
Just remember this it will help u a lot
Not 4 or 7, only those two
It's something with five member ring
Hope that clears ur doubt
Oh thank you so much 😊😊 @PeriodicTable ji this really helped man
+solved @PeriodicTable ji
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