Cloudflare for SaaS price per domain

After purchasing the subscription, the price is nowhere to be found. It was shown when purchasing. Could somone freshen up my mind on what it was? The blog seems outdated, it says $2 but I remember $0.1
3 Replies
Chaika4mo ago
10 cents per hostname per month over 100,
so we’re happy to announce that we are lowering our custom hostname price from $2 to $0.10 a month.
The Cloudflare Blog
Security for SaaS providers
Today, we’re excited to give our SaaS providers new tools that will help them enhance the security of their customers’ applications.
ConstantinOP4mo ago
Thank you very much! If you could kindly forward my suggestion to include the pricing information in the "Custom Hostnames" section of the dashboard and the documentation, I would greatly appreciate it. 🙂
Jürgen Leschner
I was looking for the pricing as well because the cloudflare-for-saas plans page only mentions 100 free. Eventually I found the $0.10 rate per hostname on under certificate management
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