
New Valorant Player Here!

Yo! My Friends , Myself WynMx . Id : One Autumn Leaf #1677 Can You Guys Help Me I'm New To Valorant & I Want To Fix My Aiming to Make It Better, I Get Beaten Everytime Whenever I'm too close or too Long From Enemies. I do Just Fine In Mid Range. i saw that majority of times my aim is on lower body & Bullets don't connect. Any Tips & Tricks Appreciated, Thank You for Your Help & Support. ( I Just Got a New PC & Playing PC Games After 12yrs ) Love from India 🇮🇳 ❤️
7 Replies
Hey @xWynMx ! What helped me a lot was watching videos on youtube that show exactly where the indicators for headshot levels are on the different maps! Like that, you can learn how to tell where the headshot level is in close- and long range too. This is a playlist I can recommend: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgs1fVzadWu4hibOWL1bf6pHiM-0AYyO4&si=ghzzlSUGmSx7pubg Maybe this helps a bit! Love from the netherlands 🇳🇱♥️
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Also: I hope you enjoy the game as most as a lot of us do ♥️ Don’t let toxic people throw you off and always aim to improve your gameplay and you will have a great time 🥰🫶
Max_4mo ago
yep videos are good, you can try what they say in game like swiftplay and unrated. Go in range too sometimes and try to kill bots only by aiming the head, next try in the way they appear and disappear. You'll get better, it's just time and experience. Btw if you're a new player try to have fun first, be good is pleasant but secondary ( to my mind ). Hope you'll be radiant very soon
:this: fun always always comes first and if you enjoy a game, you will improve automatically
Matsui4mo ago
I'm not the guy who will help you improve your aim, but in terms of game sense, what I can tell you is to always think ahead, consider which characters the opposing team is using and possible ways to execute a strategy; Think about which part of their team has a weaker anchor side, by which I mean which is the team's weakest point and try to take advantage of this (for example, if the opposing team has only 1 initiator being gekko, the best way to stop an entry or harm the opposing team is to pay attention to any sound coming from gekko's friends); And last but not least, it is to use your utilities at all times and ask yourself/police yourself on how they contribute or not to your team and how they can be used in the best possible way, being able to learn through professional games and etc. Love from Brasil 🇧🇷 ♥️
Tsuki4mo ago
Wanna queue up? Im new too
xWynMxOP4mo ago
Thankyou friends @fly (pls @ for reply <3) @Matsui & @Tsuki yes add me up : One Autumn Leaf #1677 @Max_ thankyou bro

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