mfad4mo ago

Essential Winter Tops

Which of those are essential for winter? Short-sleeve T-Shirts Long-sleeve T-Shirts Henleys Thermal shirts I'm looking for 1. A base layer 2. Something to wear solely in mild temperatures that must be basic and neutral as a t-shirt.
10 Replies
raisinpie4mo ago
What's essential in winter is staying warm. I don't think any of these are "essential" except maybe thermals if you live somewhere really cold. But those rarely look good on their own.
carrion4mo ago
winter where? and wdym by essential? I live in one of the coldest regions of the US and what i need for winter depends on how cold the day is actually going to be, if it's snowing or raining, if I'm going to be taking public transit or walking, if I'm going to be spending my time indoors or outdoors or a mix, etc etc etc.
DryOP4mo ago
I want to know what is the most basic and neutral top to wear in winter, just like the T-Shirt in summer. The winter where Iive is mild, so outerwear isn't needed. So, it has to be basic, I.e. neither too casual nor smart casual, and it has to be slightly warm. I know in the US it might be a hoodies/sweatshirt, but they are considered too casual where I live, so I thought of basic sweaters. . I have thought of henelys as well, but they seem slightly smart casual.
raisinpie4mo ago
henleys are extremely casual they originated as underwear
DryOP4mo ago
Good to know I bought some long-sleeve T-shirts, but some have said that they are typically worn as base layers.
carrion4mo ago
Sweaters are totally fine and wearable in any setting. I'd recommend wearing an undershirt with them not necessarily for warmth but to prevent needing to wash them after every single wear. You have a lot of options with sweaters. You can do chunky knits, fine wool, mohair; you've also got a ton of different styles like turtlenecks, crewnecks, v-necks, cardigans... But without knowing what you usually wear nobody can tell you what would be "essential." Like if you were asking "what do i need to stay warm", that's a question with some pretty clear cut answers. But you're asking about style, and that's up to you.
DryOP4mo ago
I think crewneck sweaters are pretty basic
carrion4mo ago
Ok great everything i listed is basic lmao
DryOP4mo ago
What about the undershirt? What is it typically? A t-shirt?
carrion4mo ago
Tee, long sleeve tee, tank top, thermal, henley, rash guard. Depends on what you need it to do.

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