Banned on Val due to a cheater logging onto my account

There was a cheater that logged onto my account, but when I sent a ticket to riot they said there were no unauthorized enterings, is there a possibility that the hacker used a VPN because I had a email in my gmail that contained my address in it.
6 Replies
Memi <33
Memi <334mo ago
orr maybe you got banned for 3rd party software cause of some software that did something vanguard no like
firstly vpn cant simulate your public ip address since everyone has their own public ip address/dynamic ip address, second riot doesnt check your login location like steam etc, third riot only needs your gmail otp for login authentic confirmation
jjessieeツ4mo ago
This is your second thread on the same thing. :e9_shyblink:
JSN4mo ago
how do you know a cheater logged into your accont? could it have been they you have a virus that got detected as cheats?
Memi <33
Memi <334mo ago
or just a 3rd party software was doing something vanguard no like
hm? oh nvm

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