Ethernet Issue
my ethernnet has nno internet after i uninstall dns , and than i restart pc and my ehternet like this

13 Replies
Hey @Hannzo
Did you reset your router yet?
In general: What troubleshooting did you already do?
i ask my wifii technician
and it works
afterr i restart my pc
in dnt wwork again
too complicated , i cannt say it in engllish what i before
Type it in your language and I will try to use a translator!
oh , wait , i just chhange my lan port
Did it work?
All good now?
i mean thats wwhat i do before
But the issue always comes back, right?
idkk , ig after ii restart
the pc
Did you already try the troubleshooting that you can do in windows?
- Click windows icon
- type ''Troubleshooting''
- GO to ''Additional troubleshooting''
- ''Incoming connections'' or ''network adapters''
it says nnothinng , annd check iinternnet
Can you contact your internet provider again? Maybe you need a new device/router or something is not right with the cable
i will do it later , night inn here