outdated ratbagd API
I'm trying to use piper (to set custom keybindings for my extra mouse buttons) but it complains about a ratbagd API version too old (v1 while it requires v2)
does bazzite support ratbagd API v2?

50 Replies
We pull what's available upstream in Fedora
You'll need to wait for them to update it if the version we're shipping isn't new enough
I was trying to use the piper route but I foudn the regular mouse options worked for me. JUst in case you missed them like I did to start with I am linking the method here https://discord.com/channels/1072614816579063828/1087140957096517672/1322620474093600808
won't stuff bresk? cuz rn i have old piper keybinds (i first setup the mouse keybinds when i used linux mint then switched to bazzite and the keybinds have been kept the same)
absolutely no idea. This is just something I found to work for me
I did not need piper on my end obv in the end and had issues using piper on myt system at all to start with
what is already available from kde desktop ended up working fine. Just figured I would suggest it in case it can help
no it wont
I am not really qualified to say whether things would break or not or what issues u could have just a suggestion
piper applies to firmware
youre good
just dont touch it
someone opened a pr 2 month ago but i dont see any update https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/libratbag/pull-request/2
do you know if there any way to erase all previously set piper config so i can switch to kde settings for the extra buttons keybindings?
also is there any way to control the mouse's lights?
Use windows
For Logitech specifically if you hack around a bit you can set the extra buttons to f15+
Then use those in kde
i just went on windows and from the logitech gaming software i selected the profile into the mouse and unassigned all the keys that had settings set by piper but now kde settings don't recognize any of the the mouse extra buttons
you need to make them into a button you can rebind
these are all the configs i see in the logitech gaming software, what should i set them as?
in order for kde to actually recognize them as mouse buttons?
keystroke -> then
use some hacky way such as autohotkey
to set them to f15 etc
by remapping the button a on your keyboard or sth to f15
will kde then recognize them? i think it only recognizes stuff like "Button 5" etc.
yes it will
is this the official autohotkey website? https://www.autohotkey.com/
Free keyboard macro program. Supports hotkeys for keyboard, mouse, and joystick. Can expand abbreviations as you type them (AutoText).
id say so, havent used windows in 5 years
now kde should recognize them right?

kde extra mouse buttons settings still don't recognize it
go to keyboard shortcuts now
and you can make it do whatever there
otherwise yes youre right
there are not that many extra buttons
there are only like two
uhh, apparently some of the F keys i set are already set for other stuff bruh
one of them seems to toggle touchpas and one mouse
u sure? before i went to uniassign the keys 2 of the keys whichw ere never assigned through piper were recognized as button 8 by kde, after unassign not anymore
there is next, previous and some other ones
either 2 or 4 mouse extra buttons
you have like 10
if you want to make the main ones next and previous go ahead
i also think the scroll wheel left and right tilt have predefined buttons too
anything that has a predefined button use that, otherwise f15+
i think its called horizontal scroll for those

yea scroll left/right make that the scrollwheel left right
then next previous make that the thumb buttons
then the rest do f15+ for keyboard shortcuts
i tried to right click > use generic to all of them, which of those might not get recognized?

the dp ones will not be recognized
if you dont want to do dp for those do f15+
btw is there any reason on why start for F15 instead of F13?
8 extra buttons + 3 normal ones (normal i mean right, left & middle click)
opens the quick settings
are set for other buttons
toggles microphone
toggles touchpad
turns off touch
turns on touchpad
are set for other buttons
+ F24
= 7 buttons
what can i set for the 8th?you can also ctrl + f14 or ctrl + alt + f14
i just set them all to keys that are not set
now how can i set them so they trigger specific keybinds through kde settings?
like i want two of the buttons to increase/decrease the volume
(possibly without using windows to modify the software since i don't wanna log into windows if i wanna then edit that key later in time)
in the shortcut settings i seem to be able to only add commands/scripts or apps
input remapper used to be good for this and i think is still included
but right now in linux there is not a very good solution
actually i just tought to search the system setting to do it and add the key there
tho any idea why F19 isn't being recognized as key?
like F17 was recognized as "Launch (8)" and F20 as "Launch (9)", F19 insead nothing
try input remapper
and commands
input remapper recognizes F19 but idk how to set the key to increase/decrease the volume since it runs its volume action and isn't recognized on input remapper
rebind it to volume up/down
i tried, but when i press volume up key it just increases the volume and doesn't get recognized as key from remapper
dammit remap f19 to volume up in remapper
the issue is idk what the key name of the volume up key
it doesn't show they key name for volume ones
search for it
that worked
on the Piper issue, you can get around the outdated ratbagd API by installing the previous version from Piper (v0.7)
either via terminal or in GUI through the Warehouse app
@antheas nice tips on perma setting it up so u can just use kde there. Too bad about the windows thing but my work pc is perfect for this kind of thing lol
fyi https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/libratbag/c/bf0617372151ae1a7af56a23e1b48aaccdaade90?branch=rawhide
someone updated libratbag last week and now 0.18 is in testing for f41