I've written a Linux manuscript and I'd like to host WebVM for the exercises.

Hello, I've written a Linux manuscript and I'd like to host WebVM in an environment for the exercises in the book. I plan to keep the environment free for anyone to use but customized with exercises so people can practice learning Linux while reading the book and if they want they can follow along with a Capture the Flag, for learning Linux. My reason for being here is to explore using WebVM before I start building the environment. My first question was if there is support, which it appears there is, next is there any licensing issue if I host it on my own domain and infrastructure, and would Learning Technologies be interested in a shout out in the book or some sort of relationship more than me using your product for my readers?
9 Replies
apignotti•4mo ago
Hi, thanks for getting in touch. WebVM support is guaranteed by our team at Leaning Technologies, let us know if you have specific issues. We would be trilled for WebVM to be used for your project, and we would appreciate Leaning Technologies being mentioned of course 🙂
dbcoopOP•4mo ago
Happy to be here. I'm not ignorant of the amount of effort it takes to make something like this, so I'm grateful that this is available and that the community can use it. We can keep Leaning Technologies branding if ya'll like the book plus the website.
apignotti•4mo ago
WebVM itself is FOSS, you can build on top of it and use it as you wish. The underlying virtualization engine (CheerpX) is normally free to use for personal and open source projects. This would not, at first sight, cover your cases but I am quite sure we can work something out. I'll need to get back to you on this matter though after syncing with the commercial team. Is that ok?
dbcoopOP•4mo ago
That's great. Thank you.
apignotti•4mo ago
Might I ask an email to get in touch? Feel free to DM me if you'd rather keep it private
dbcoopOP•4mo ago
[email protected] If you shoot me a quick email I'll send back the manuscript and the team can see how WebVM may be used and some ways to integrate the two so your commercial team gets value. Manuscript sent.
apignotti•4mo ago
Quick question that might matter for the commercial team. You mentioned hosting on your own servers. Hosting of WebVM or any other derived project is of course not a problem, hosting of the CheerpX engine is a more delicate matter since it is usually a premium add-on for corporate networks. Would it be acceptable to use CheerpX from our CDN? We host immutable builds (for example https://cxrtnc.leaningtech.com/1.0.6/cx.js) on a global CDN (Cloudflare), so the setup is extremely reliable. The public NPM packages internally reference the same CDN.
dbcoopOP•4mo ago
Without diving into the product I can't give a solid answer, but I can give you a squishy "Probably!" and I'll do what I can to make it work. I'm presently looking into how to build this now that we've started talking.
apignotti•4mo ago
Either myself or a member of the team will take a look at the manuscript to see if any of the touched topics could be problematic to try on WebVM

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