valorant is out of compliance
yeah as it says when i start up valorant it says out of compliance. i have secure boot and bios mode to eufi still nadda
43 Replies
@local shower shitter
Provide some screenshots, thanks.
here you go

any idea why this happened?
i mean it hasnt really happened before
Did you check the Vanguard notifications?

i already have it on tho

Ima let @jidat handle this. Technical troubleshooting isnt my specialty
all g
man idk I just kinda know stuff about network
this is some jidat stuff
Wellll i corrected my statement
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
Btw @cloohy did anyone appoint u to look at these community help threads?
I was just about to ask him to do this
and yes im in bootcamp. and yes it has worked before

And no. I go through them on my own accord
Press win+r
Type tpm.msc
Show ss
Running windows on a Mac 🤔

How does a mac bios even work
Get into the bios
Idk man
Use ur phone to chat here

i dont think i have a bios
There is no way u just don't have a bios
hold up
Well just leave it if its hard to get in the bios
How did u enable secure boot btw?
idk honestly
its just on
tho i just read something online and it says to turn off vbs?
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Command to do that ^
Open cmd as admin and type that in
ok now what
it says it completed successfully
Restart the pc
now what
restarted just now
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
Scroll down a bit inside msinfo32 btw
oh alr

i can see that vbs is still runnin
hello! what do i do next?
Disable memory integrity
ok so it looks like it worked however now for some reason im not getting any internet on startup
like my network drivers are being disabled
then when i exit vanguard in the system tray just like how i did now, my drivers started working :/