API vs SSR (Server Side rendering)

Hello guys, sorry to disturb you all; I just came across the term SSR. I had a look at what it means and from what I've understood, the term SSR means that everything is "pre-made" in the backend. For example, a server serves an a web page where the HTML is already rendered along with the CSS and JS(Like SSR serves a template). Behind the scenes, SSR does use APIs to fetch data but the idea is every initial loading is done by the server (every time a web page is reloaded we should still get the same initial webpage). Then what happens is when the server sends the HTML page to the browser, a user might want to check for the weather on a weather app for e.g. Each time we don't want to reload the server to display the new content; what we want is to dynamically reload the webpage for the user, this is done through APIs
2 Replies
b1mind3mo ago
Old info But not wrong JS meta frameworks now all support SSR/static with client side routing Well except Astro but it does do SSR/SSG(prerender) Also SSR is more "on demand" SSG is pre rendering or "premade"
FakerOP3mo ago
yep I see, ty !

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