Do something with ur routing
Hi, I wanna share with u one of the biggest problems.
I know Hypixel is using cloudflare and I'm from Russia, but the issue is, I live in Vladivostok, a town near Japan/S.Korea and China. When I connect to hypixel, my traffic goes through Moscow and Europe and finally I get connect to the server.
Do please something.
When I was using a Japanese proxy I was getting 170-190ms instead of the usual 260-300ms.
12 Replies
@FloppyDisk @FloppyDisk
nah,that problem of every isp ub my city
The ISPs control how traffic gets to Cloudflare. If the ISP is routing traffic to Cloudflare via Moscow/Europe then that is on them. If it is all ISPs then it might be the government.
So,I should to write a letter to my isp about routing?
Yeah reach out to them and ask why they don't route to the closet Cloudflare DC. I will point out that the Russian goverment has blocked Cloudflare IPs and websites before.
Well,I got it, thanks for ur support ❤️
what if you connect to north korea's internet (insanely high censorship)
Russian gov't didn't block Cloudflare in the past
and Cloudflare started in 2009
9 days ago they released a statement telling people to abandon Cloudflare:рекомендуем-отказаться-от-cdn-сервиса-cloudflare/
Russian Gov't is slowly trying to remove cloudflare warp services (NOT so people will not attempt to access banned platforms (Discord etc.) but they can still use VPN services.
They also blocked * реестр сайтов Роскомнадзора
Информация о Получите подробную информацию из реестра РКН от Реестры запрещенных сайтов, организаторов распространения информации, новостных агрегаторов и аудио сервисов.
since may 6th*
and this is a warning for their people
cloudflare encrypted client hello is also blacklisted