Johnstons of Elgin legit check
Want a legit check on thse Johnstons of Elgin scarf. It's quite cheap, and looks good. Idk what the Dupplin tag is though?
5 Replies
Dupplin check is the name of the tartan
I'd say legit but old
They don't use that font anymore but I see old ones with the same look. Makes it less likely to be fake tbh, modern fakes would surely use the new more well-known typeset
ah I see. What would you say this scarf is worth? Its 120x29 cm
hmm on UK eBay I see them going for anything from like 30 - 50 quid for 2nd hand?
Ah okay. I can get this one for like 19£. I think Ill buy it, it looks good and is high quality. Thanks for your help!
Yeah looks good, good price!