Few Games Off Radiant then got hacked and now support claims that the account isn’t mine anymore.
Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can help me with my inquiry. Please don’t troll if possible. I was recently hacked (3 days ago) and now I can’t even get my account back since they compromised my entire email and transferred ownership of my account to some random email. I fear my account is going to be sold before I can do anything.
13 Replies
well this is something only riot support can do
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
contact em :kaisaShrug:
they claiming acc isnt mine anymore :crysad:
its ggs then
Unfortunately, if Riot deems they cant validate the account is yours, then there is nothing else that can be done.
interesting, i will reattempt the tickets
they didnt fully turn off the feature so i should still be appeal to appeal to it at this time
You can always submit another account recovery ticket. Ensure to provide as much information as possible for the best chances of recovery.
My first ticket was quite broad and I wasn't able to recall much information
They later closed my ticket since there was inactivity in between tickets
So I will just need to submit another
Can I do like an additional note and show them all the skins I had and even games I played on the account? I can also show them bank statements too. idk
Reference this. These are the things they will ask for or will need you to provide.
Did what I could remember
A lot of stuff like paysafe card i never did
Credit card was a card that was replaced since I lost my wallet
etc etc
My phone number couldn't get added to my account for some reason