Winapps doesnt work
Exiting with status '14'.
Trying to configure Winapps for 2 days in a row without any success.
I can connect by freerdp manually (like this xfreerdp /v: /u:RDPWindows /p:xxxxx)
But when i try to do im getting the things on screenshots (terminal and Log file)
How can i fix it?

101 Replies
Can you provide more info? ill have a look tomorrow
what repo are you using? there is and
what virtualization? podman, docker, libvirt?
GitHub - Fmstrat/winapps: Run Windows apps such as Microsoft Office...
Run Windows apps such as Microsoft Office/Adobe in Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora) and GNOME/KDE as if they were a part of the native OS, including Nautilus integration. - Fmstrat/winapps
im using the one from official page. Guess it docker
but where can i find additional info just tell me. The log files are there, seems that something wrong with open64 codec or whatever shit but it's installed in fact
Okay, so this is how it works for me with podman, which should be installed by default.
See also this guide which is a little more verbose:
install dialog with "brew install dialog"
install podman-compose with "brew install podman-compose"
clone this repo:
create folder ~/.config/winapps
edit file ~/.config/winapps/winapps.conf
copy the default contents from here:
go back to the cloned repo
edit the compose.yaml file
IMAGE: image: #
VERSION: "10l" # or whatever image you want to use
USERNAME: "YOURUSER" # Uncomment to set a custom Windows username. The default is 'Docker'.
PASSWORD: "YOURPASSWORD" # Uncomment to set a password for the Windows user. There is no default password.
run "podman-compose --file compose.yaml up -d"
watch the installation in your browser: ""
when its finished logout in your Browser and go back to the cloned repo folder
run "podman unshare --rootless-netns"
run "./"
Universal Blue
Winapps in Bazzite Portal
Guide to getting Winapps working on Bazzite I did this in Bazzite with KDE. I wouldnβt consider myself knowledgeable about WinApps and how it functions. So feel free to ask questions but donβt expect me to be able to answer confidently. I just wanted to catalogue how I went about installing it, to make it easier for others, and hopefully to loo...
Thx for the article! Ill follow ur guide and report later
I followed the instruction for docker but in the end still got that

Can you get into the Windows install with the Url?
And can you paste your:
and paste the compose.yaml
Best to remove the Passwords before pasting it here
Yea it worked even before
But okay i solved the issue somehow... Now everything works like a dream lol all of the sudden
Cool! π
But lemme try to reboot. I guess sometimes something occupies 3889 and 8006 ports and i had to kill these processes manually
You can run something like
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep ':3389
to see whats running on those ports
yea i rebooted and now cant run office again, it says BOOTING WINDOWS but in fact i can already access it thru browser ahhh :dispair:
can you run "docker ps"
also run "podman ps" to be safe π
bazzite@bazzite:~/winapps$ docker ps
permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.47/containers/json": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
podman ps empty list
run "sudo docker ps"
sudo docker ps
[sudo] password for bazzite:
a8a00ca97129 dockurr/windows "/usr/bin/tini -s /rβ¦" 3 days ago Up 6 minutes>3389/tcp, :::3389->3389/tcp,>8006/tcp,>3389/udp, :::8006->8006/tcp, :::3389->3389/udp WinApps
man im really confused :happy_green_trees:
i always forget something
what if ill change ports?
looks fine to me
try "sudo docker logs WinApps" if there is anything noteworthy
BdsDxe: loading Boot0004 "Windows Boot Manager" from HD(1,GPT,85314E23-D040-4EED-A8B5-ED7717F1EBC6,0x800,0x40000)/\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
BdsDxe: starting Boot0004 "Windows Boot Manager" from HD(1,GPT,85314E23-D040-4EED-A8B5-ED7717F1EBC6,0x800,0x40000)/\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
β― Windows started succesfully, visit http://localhost:8006/ to view the screen..
thats fine as well.
Did you get a log entry after Office Failed?
should be in ~/.local/share/winapps/

I get this always
ok lemme check
maybe i got 2 containers for some reason thats why its confusing idk
can you paste "sudo docker ps -a"
this would show if there is multiple ones
sudo docker ps -a
[sudo] password for bazzite:
a8a00ca97129 dockurr/windows "/usr/bin/tini -s /rβ¦" 3 days ago Up 14 minutes>3389/tcp, :::3389->3389/tcp,>8006/tcp,>3389/udp, :::8006->8006/tcp, :::3389->3389/udp WinApps
ceb5a7e09acd hello-world "/hello" 3 days ago Exited (0) 3 days ago
go to the folder where the compose.yaml lives
and run "sudo docker compose --file compose.yaml down"
this will shut down the container
sudo docker compose --file compose.yaml down
[sudo] password for bazzite:
[+] Running 2/2
β Container WinApps Removed 6.8s
β Network winapps_default Removed
its stopped
and then we start it again with "sudo docker compose --file compose.yaml up -d"
and then try the office again
i ran the container but office still doesnt work
do you have a shortcut to "windows" ? Does that one work?
when i stop the container does it stop the VM?
wait wait wait. you have a vm as well?
virtual machine manager
i tried with it before
but i deleted the VM there
is that one running currently?
okay, so we should be fine there

Still got this tho
Do i have to delete it?
maybe it confuses everything)
that QEMU/KVM stuff
no, should be fine, looks the same on my end
and you have
in ~/.config/winapps/winapps.conf

change WAFLAVOR to "docker"
and change RDP_IP to ""
run again?
the container?
should still be up
you can try the Windows Shortcut instead of office

hmm now it tries to run but just nothing happens in the end
without that message like before
i think there is some mess with docker and podman
yea i messed it up
we'll figure it out π
lets try to rerun container maybe?
change the config back to
dont change the RDP_IP
he chooses the ip automatically right?
run "sudo docker stop WinApps"
yeah its just your local ip anyways
then run "sudo docker ps" and make sure nothing is running
ok winapps is stopped i guess
nothing is running rn
try and launch office
should get the startup thing again?
this one?
but no success ?
no success
cuz winapps is down i guess right
it should be able to start it for you, I think
but not 100% on that
go to where the compose.yaml is
and run podman-compose --file compose.yaml up -d
it might complain about a container existing or something

try "podman-compose --file compose.yaml start"

thats fine
podman ps should show it running
now lets try office
now its working
thx a lot
but i want to make it work stable after reboot)))
okay, lets make sure it stays that way π
can you run
sudo docker ps -a

"sudo docker rm WinApps" (we delete the docker one, so it cant start again)
then run sudo docker ps -a again and it should be gone
you are running Bazzite, right?

yep, the "bad" container is gone
so if i reboot now it will be fine?
Give me a second, I need to look up how to make podman auto start
yea man that winapps thing has been my biggest linux challenge yet thx for helping!
I had A LOT of trouble with it in the past
winapps you mean?
Btw is there an option how to add the apps without reinstalling the container?
yeah, needed it for lightroom and stuff
I use wine for CC2018 photoshop but havent tried something serious
you can run the in the folder where compose.yaml is again
it will ask you to uninstall
you do that and run it again
and then chose the programs you need
Im just wondering why linux can run games almost flawlessly but no programs
it will not remove the container
just remove the shortcuts until you run again
I think we need this:
systemctl --user enable podman-restart.service
of win apps>
systemctl --user enable podman-restart.service
Created symlink '/home/bazzite/.config/systemd/user/' β '/usr/lib/systemd/user/podman-restart.service
you can not add a single app shortcut, you always have to remove all shortcuts and add the ones you like again (for some reason)
Ahh alright. But does lightroom and PS run okay thru winapps? Or wine is fine maybe idk...
Yeah it was okay, but I did most of it just using "Remmina" to RDP into the Container
and running Lightroom there, instead of having the windows in linux directly
because with the lightroom toolbars and stuff it was a mess
but for word and office it worked great
yea word works OKAY if you are not resizing the windows too much
so lemme try to reboot and check
I'll do the same π
How did you install docker?
Didn't start for me :/
It works after reboot too!
hmm i used the instruction you shared in the first message
But before that i tried something else
Dont exactly remember
glad to hear
can you run "rpm-ostree status" ?
and then I'll leave you to it π
ok wait

is it fine?
You should probably remove the layered docker packages, but I dont have much experience in that regard
wont interefere with WinApps
yea that packaging in fedora is very confusing in general i usually try distrobox and debian innit π
Btw maybe it was possible to install it thru distrobox
I think you should be fine to run
rpm-ostree remove docker-ce docker-ce-cli virt-manager
(if you dont need VMs)
and you could switch podman-compose to brew instead of layering it, but that might mess with WinApps for a bit
Maybe ill need VMs in the future
let it be)
@BazZzilio you should've just made a vm in the gnome boxes flatpak π this winapps thing is awfully complicated for no reason
Maybe but its done already π took a while haha
Where would be the fun in that? π