how do I learn to aim higher?

I try but it’s always too high or too low. I tried doing it on practice and I always get it right, but when it comes to moving enemies I can’t. Please help!!!
1 Reply
Fastbee253mo ago
make ure crosshair smaller, or make it so u have an eaier time placing it where you want it on the player rrather than just on the player (mine has two vertical lines with a dot in the middle). i think a main reason for low crosshair placement is cause you want to get as much information on your screen as possible (aiming higher shows more sky = less information?). you will get better at it as you understand what the opponent will do, if u watch randoms stream, sometimes they just take out their knife and walk half wya accross the map, because they are confident they will not encounter and enemy during that time. im level 16 💀

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