Very Toxic player that ruined my game experience while I was playing with my girlfriend

Me and my girlfriend was playing very peaceful and not every game you are suppose to top frag right?? so in that game my girlfriend was doing her job as a controller and I was doing my job as an duelist and me and my girlfriend were giving coms and playing well but suddenly the breach(NAV33N#3636) and sova(FORU143#8332) who were initiator who didn't know I think the meaning of the initiator started saying shitt to my girlfriend and all and when I defended my girlfriend they started talking shit to me also and also the cypher (MAXPNE#4309) said some really bad things about my girl that I cant even say here pleasee riot do something about this game I'm going to leave valorant for good and not only me I feel like if there are player like this in valorant community not only me but a lot of player will stop playing the game. I do hope you guys take some serious action against these guys. Please notify me on the update and I'm not going to play the game till you guys take action against them.
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2 Replies
Geniux3mo ago
report ingame if thats not enough for you submit a ticket in support ;valsupport
VANGUARD Main3mo ago
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.

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