Tailscale networking not working.
Hello, I can't seem to get networking to work at all. Despite having an exit-node setup.
41 Replies
I've tried a ton of different things
do you have ip forwarding enabled in your exit node?
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
it says 1
I didn't see ip forwarding documented on the exit node tailwind documentation
1 means that it is enabled, so the issue is something else
can you show the content of the "Edit route settings" screen?
for the exit node
that also looks fine... are you able to use the device as an exit node from another client? like your phone for example or another pc
let me try with my phone
a good test is to disable wifi on the phone, route all traffic through tailscale, and check that the external ip is seen as the same as your exit node, for example using https://www.whatismyip.com/
What Is My IP?
Check the IP address assigned to your device. Show my IP city, state, and country. What Is An IP Address? IPv4, IPv6, public IP explained.
strangely enough it works with my android phone
then it might be an actual issue with WebVM... would you mind trying again by refreshing the tab and logging in again?
well sort of
ive done that a bunch of times and with diff browsers
wait, do you mean that you tried to use the phone as an exit node?
using the phone as an exit node worked for the curl script example
I see. I was suggesting to use the phone as the user of the previous exit node, to make sure it was working correctly, without WebVM in the picture
oh sorry, i understand
about the could not resolve issue, try the command a few times. I noticed that DNS is very sensitive to losing a few packets and that happens sometimes
my tailwind setup must be cursed as hell
yeah so there is some issue with the exit node itself, but I am not sure how to help with that beyond what I initially suggested.
well atleast it works with my phone
this is really cool tbh
I suggest trying to debug the issue without WebVM in the picture, so that you can ask help from Tailscale too.
I think that we established that the WebVM side works, and that there is something wrong with the exit node setup on your pc
okay dude WTF
this is actually so sick
ill figure out the exit node situation later
for now im gonna mess with this
this is cool man
appreciated 🙂
see like
i can see the use case for this being like
oh i need to quickly compile and test a script for linux
and your main OS is windows
instead of using WSL you can just type webvm.io
connect tailscale in 2 seconds
then clone into whatever right
yeah that is a use case we have in mind. A similar situation is if you have a locked chromebook (like many schools give to students)
thats even smarter actually
If the issue is solved, I invite you to continue the conversation on https://discord.com/channels/988743885121548329/988744244967653396
okay i just got it working through my laptop
Subnet routers · Tailscale Docs
Learn how to relay traffic from your Tailscale network onto your physical subnet.
the reason ip_forward was enabled was because of my previous wireguard configuration im pretty sure
ah so the ipv6 forwarding was missing?
ipv6 didnt really change anything, difference was the existance of a 99-tailscale.conf file im pretty sure
let me actually try removing ipv6 forwarding to try testing
thanks, might be useful for helping future troubleshooting
okay yeah, ipv6 forwarding was not the issue
thanks for setting me down the right troubleshooting path 🔥
you are welcome 🙂