VALORANTβ€’4mo ago


People tell me that duelists are the ones who are supposed to charge in... I don't get it, isn't "initiate" a synonym to begin? πŸ€”πŸ™„πŸ€£
19 Replies
Memi <33
Memi <33β€’4mo ago
duelist have the kit to get frags and entry
LWD27LukeOPβ€’4mo ago
What kits do initiators have? Along with their title practically explaining that they're the ones to start. Most of them blind, have the abilities to tell where the enemies are before entry... Duelists might blind sure but they have no idea of enemy-location, seems a bit suicidal to me? 🀣
Memi <33
Memi <33β€’4mo ago
i feel like this is rage bait
Nonchalantβ€’4mo ago
Initiate. A fight.
LWD27LukeOPβ€’4mo ago
Not my fault? 🀨 Well yes, initiate a fight telling where everyone are, charging in to display the location of the enemies to the rest of the team which then the duelists charge in to fight? πŸ˜‹
Memi <33
Memi <33β€’4mo ago
no they get you knowledge so you as a duelist can entry and use such knowledge to your power
LWD27LukeOPβ€’4mo ago
And what do they do afterwards? Just sit there? It's once the initiators charge in and see the enemies that the duelists then see the enemies on the map as well, that's the info they use? πŸ€”πŸ€£
Memi <33
Memi <33β€’4mo ago
ok this is ragebait
LWD27LukeOPβ€’4mo ago
Not my fault?? 🀣 I have already been ragebaited thanks to people yelling at my newbie-friend that he's a duelist and they should charge in, he never gets any info from the initiator so why the heck is suiciding something that would benefit the team!? 🀣🀣🀣
Nonchalantβ€’4mo ago
Was this the point To vent? Lol
Memi <33
Memi <33β€’4mo ago
prob just ragebaiting just ignore
Matsuiβ€’4mo ago
They simply contribute to the entry as they can, spreading utilities around the map and that's it I'm not going to lie that reading your messages was quite tiring because they’re just sad. the way you're judging the game won't make you improve, quite the opposite
Geniuxβ€’4mo ago
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
Usual suspect
LWD27LukeOPβ€’4mo ago
Sorry for being late, was told to go to some stores and then had a lunch-argument. I know that my comments are sad, people are trying to ruin the positive chances that my friend and I gain to have fun, all because we are apparently supposed to read some invisible punishment banning us from comps all thanks to my friend having played controller-games his entire career till now. Valorant being his first mouse+keyboard-game, having a few problems trying to learn abilities and such... All of a sudden we are not allowed to play? Why wouldn't that make us sad? I get that it doesn't have much to do with initiators or duelists... But come on... Since WHEN did ANYONE in this game do their job properly!? 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
Nonchalantβ€’4mo ago
turn off comms. Talking to people in the lobby is completely optional and whether you allow them to speak to you is entirely up to you aslong as you and your friend have a way outside of valorant to communicate, I am sure you would do just fine without other people talking , aslong as you are playing valorant only for fun hope this helps ! πŸ€—
LWD27LukeOPβ€’4mo ago
Actually, I already do sometimes... I have no idea of why I hopped over to this part of my argument. πŸ˜– My bad... Sure it gets on my nerves sometimes but like you said, one can just personally mute those nuisances. I just wanted to make fun of the concept having initiators not charge in. Duelists seems more like the role of pulling campers out of their areas, seeing duelists with grenades, Phoenix's fire and other things. πŸ˜…
Nonchalantβ€’4mo ago
Completely understandable if you are frustrated by the people on valorant, but you gotta remember the position they are in as well! I am sure you meant it in good heart have a nice rest of your day
LWD27LukeOPβ€’4mo ago
Same to you.

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