need help with radial reveal animation like example

I tried to recreate this radial animation but not able to achive the exact style can any one help me with this please
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7 Replies
clevermissfoxβ€’3mo ago
Theres probably a few approaches for this. Could try using it as mask and a registered custom property @property to transition the radial gradient
I made something similar in which the revealed area is controlled by mouse position instead of a predetermined path, but the principle involved is the same. I used mix-blend-mode, but you can also do this by moving a radial gradient mask.
Ullas Kunder
Ullas KunderOPβ€’3mo ago
will try that
Ullas Kunder
Ullas KunderOPβ€’3mo ago
I saw few example not able to recreate using @property as well: updated added more keyframe but now its smooth like in video
clevermissfoxβ€’3mo ago
Im not seeing a smooth animation , its choppy because Background property is not animatable (its called a discrete property) which is the problem , use @property for the values you need to update and animate those not the whole background-image declaration. Let me find you a KPow video that will show you an example. You'll want @property with a <length-percentage> or you could also use an <angle>
@property --property-name {
syntax: "<length-percentage>";
inherits: false;
initial-value: 37%;

...background-image: radial-gradient(circle at 100%, #000 var(--property-name), #0000 ....etc
@keyframes animateProp {
0%, 100% {--property-name: 66%; }
20% { --property-name: 72%;}
@property --property-name {
syntax: "<length-percentage>";
inherits: false;
initial-value: 37%;

...background-image: radial-gradient(circle at 100%, #000 var(--property-name), #0000 ....etc
@keyframes animateProp {
0%, 100% {--property-name: 66%; }
20% { --property-name: 72%;}
Kevin Powell
Create an animated, glowing, gradient border with CSS
Inspired by a codepen by Gayane Gasparyan - - I took my own attempt to create a rotating gradient border, including a nice soft glow. To do it, I use @property, which doesn't have fantastic browser support, but near the end of the video I look at why that's not really a big deal πŸ™‚ πŸ”— Links βœ… My f...
Ullas Kunder
Ullas KunderOPβ€’3mo ago
will try it

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