Game Crash
My is game is using a lot of memory after the new update and it's keep getting crashed. I tried every thing to fix but it's not working. Please if anyone cna help me out.
12 Replies
I have same problem, I load in the game and I legit can’t move, or buy
I assume we gotta wait
A lot of people have this kind of problem
either my game crashes on home page or in between game, but soemtiems it works smoothly
i think if it was my laptop issue it should not work anytime but sometimes it works smooth sometimes it crashes
Yeah for me, I get in the game, select agent, I can only look around bro, nothing else, I can’t book, I have to restart my pc for it to work
But then when I get back
I get penalised
some times i get 3 crashes in single game LOL
Bro it’s funny how I thought it’s my pc
I can run any game without problem
I think I need to play roblox
It will work fine I think
Potato PC lol

Fk u can't even play this
Bro just shift to stumble guy
suibway surfers
25 hours in a rwo
how exactly does it crash
is there an error code
or a bsod
memory_management BSOD