fit check, thoughts?
Any improvements/big nonos I'm missing? too dark/too much black? proportion wise anything to get better?

7 Replies
I’d personally go for a pointy boot over the AF1s or I’d go for a wider pant if you want to keep the AF1s, but looks clean already
You damn right some boots would probably look great with these pants. any suggestions on those? been looking for a pair for some time now. Sadly cant seem to find the ones that are just "it" for me.
camions caught my eye though, but aren't pointy :p
I ended up with some black Justin cowboy boots I got secondhand
But I had Dan post before that, and my lace ups are a bunch of different brands
Camions aren’t bad they’ve just gotten expensive
oof cowboy boots would be a big step, even the camions are out of my comfort zone. imma have to give it time and thought I guess. thanks 🙂
I thought I didn’t want cowboys until I tried them on and it all clicked haha
Might try a pair when given the chance then!
Looks great bud