I am getting the Error 1000 i have godaddy host

The website was all ok, but someting get wrong and was down. The ip from godaddy it´s I dont khow what more to do. But i had call to GoDaddy and they say to me that the error it's from Cloudflare because when i had sent the dns to Cloudflare and then to GoDaddy because they said it would be fixed something had left behind on Cloudflare and it's still linked, and what do to with this now?
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6 Replies
SageSphinx639204mo ago
You are pointing your DNS to a cloudflare ip
SageSphinx639204mo ago
Thats why it throws 1000
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SageSphinx639204mo ago
So try to enter the ip of your server
CarlosBorgesOP4mo ago
Where can i do that' beacuse i had try it on the dns page and didn´t do notgh
Flare4mo ago
Please do not post your question in multiple channels/post it multiple times per the rules at ⁠#😃welcome-and-rules. It creates confusion for people trying to help you and doesn't get your issue or question solved any faster.
Dubz4mo ago
My guess is disable CLoudflare proxy on the _domainconnect CNAME. It's probably looking to validate something there, and when it's proxied through Cloudflare their system doesn't. That's just speculation, though. I wouldn't use GoDaddy if they paid me to.

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