Urgent Help

I'm trying to install a WordPress plugin but I'm getting this error: The plugin could not be activated because it generated a fatal error. I've tried increasing the upload size limit, but it didn't work. I've tried removing all the plugins and leaving only this one, but it didn't work. I've tried getting the WordPress error logs, but it didn't work. I've already adjusted it in Cloudflare's WAF, but it didn't work. This problem still persists: The plugin could not be activated because it generated a fatal error. We called the plugin's support and they said this: For the plugin to work correctly, it is necessary to allow access from the client's server to the address app.smartfunnel.net. I recommend contacting the person responsible for configuring the firewall and asking them to allow the route to this domain. To help with the diagnosis, I suggest that the administrator run a connectivity test directly from the server: bash Copy code curl -v -X POST https://app.smartfunnel.net/get_license_data.php This command checks if the server is able to communicate with SmartFunnel directly, allowing the administrator to observe any blocked responses and adjust firewall, proxy or mitigation settings as necessary. It is likely that your server or the mitigation service has blacklisted our cURL or something similar. This means that post requests to the url https://app.smartfunnel.net/getlicensedata.php end up being intercepted and unable to validate the license. Our recommendation in this scenario is to contact their support and see what the procedure is or if they can do something to remove the url from the blacklist. Please, could you help us? https://links.mentoriapower.com.br/wp-admin/plugins.php https://mentoriapower.com.br/wp-admin/plugins.php You can leave it to these 2 here, we just need to make this plugin work, either on the main domain or on the subdomain.
1 Reply
David Wang
David Wang2mo ago
This isn't a cloudflare issue. It's an issue with your origin server not being able to access app.smartfunnel.net It has nothign to do with WAF or anything CF side
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