spec help needed
Lenovo LOQ | 15 inch Full HD Gaming Laptop | Intel Core i5-12450H | 16GB RAM | 512GB SSD | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 should i get this gaming laptop
40 Replies
512 ssd is really low memory, I would get at least 1TB
the other components are okay-ish, but again it depends what you want to do
for valorant specifically, the game will run fine
16 ram is slowly starting to feel less, if you like to multitask and play a game in between while having chrome open watching youtube etc
but yeah cpu, gpu low-mid end still newer generation and will do fine
Lastly, if you don't travel a lot and you intend to play at home, buy a PC not a laptop
yh i can’t i travel a lot 😭
? Intel Core i7-14700HX, NVIDIA GeForce RTX4060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD
i ordered this instead of that
since this was better in my opinion
Yes that is indeed better
alr thanks
Congrats and i hope it serves you well :FeelsNeat:
Been living on 500 for the past few years, with about 250gb assigned to my windows partition. If youre somewhat organized, and only play a few games at a time, you can definitely work with 500 too
But besides that, the laptop is really solid
Yeah depends on the person, but for me 500 is not enough
its solid yeah
ty i hope aswell
i’m going to use fortnite valo and maybe maybe war zone
but fortnite and valo alone is like 130GB
1 TB is pretty good
you will have more than enough space
even for more games
i was also planing on upgrading its ram
do 32GB
is that good
idk if it can go to 64Gb tho
I have 64 and to be honest
thanks guys
its not really necessary
32 max for now
what does ram really do it’s for multi tasking right ?
Mainly yes
oh bet
so it won’t help performance that much in game
Not really
only if you
have many apps open
then you can notice the difference
ohh okay
16 is more than enough
i see
Some games can use it more than others
if we being realistic i hope it can pull 200fps on fn and valo
16 is definitely plenty
200 will be easy yes
Valo 100%
hell yeah now i don’t need to upgrade it shii
my old graphics card on my old laptop gets 120 fps
but it’s very old
I would unironically bet cash if you dont get atleast 200 on val
Got to plat with average 30 fps on a strongly used 2012 macbook pro
My proudest achievment
i’m new to the game i went from GOLd 1
to iron
600 hours of onetricking viper
Im probably on some watchlist ever since she got nerfed
Played her since champions 2022
my current laptop cpu is a uHD 620
oh wow
Im on a gtx 1660 and an i7 12700 (i believe) atm
Thats quite a bit behind the laptop, but still get pretty good 250-300 fps on low settings 4k
god dam my shit struggles to go over 100
that’s why i’m upgrading the laptop since it’s not even a gaming on e
I feel the struggle
The macbook survived for a long time, but it was time for an upgrade
fr rn i feel the time and since black friday
i found this laptop from 1.8k to 1k
seems like a good offer
anyone know why im low on memory i have 24gb