npm install timeouts with Workers builds?

I'm noticing build timeouts with my Turborepo npm monorepo which contains about 6 cloudflare workers (and a page) as well as a handful of packages (see screenshots) i'm assuming the issue is because of the large amount of npm dependencies we have across all projects, but i'm not sure what to do about it using install-strategy=nested in my .npmrc, not sure thats relevant i've cleared the build cache and also tried setting my TURBO_TEAM/TOKEN in variables/secrets for builds
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1 Reply
Crisfole2mo ago
@Cloudflare (Server Owner) can we get eyes on this? We need to be able to debug this. We're totally ok with so many great options: - let us tweak the npm install so we can see what's going on - give us a local script to run that warns us if we're installing something that CF doesn't support? Maybe? We don't know - Take a look and tell us what we've got wrong? We know it's Beta, let us help you make it awesome!

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