Can Valorant Run on my laptop ?
Can Valorant Run on my laptop
Specs :-
8gb ram
SSD 256gb
i5-7200U Processor
Intel HD Graphics 620
16 Replies
Ima be honest bro, it probably will get under 30fps and u need to play on the lowest settings and display res
Like that’s at absolute most imo
But my friend said it will work He has a Laptop with
Specs -
Intel UHD graphics
4gb ram
Intel Platinum
He gets like unstable 60fps
Drops to 30
In low settings
I hope u prove me wrong
I had a 13700h laptop and it legit didn’t even let me use the keyboard and was on 2 fps or smth and it often froze
I use to play on this same exact laptop before the updates
Earlier it had 4gb ram and HDX 💀
And after doing alot of tweaks it usually Have me 80fps but drops to 1 or even 0 sometimes
It had map loading issues
I usually got penalties
And finally I am Changing the HDD into SSD and upgrading ram to 8gb
Because alot of people recommended
To me this says the game is basically unplayable
Yeah idk the average fps, but if it’s dropping to 1 I assume it’s pretty low lol
13900h gets 250
He will definitely get more than 60, what are u on about?
Idk mine prob made wrong
I’ve never seen worse specs run valorant, but idrk
Specs containing 8gb ram And SSD are mid end pcs
Low end = 2gb or 4gb ram
In low settings It should be constant 60 fps
My friends Gets 140-150 fps on an amd graphics card
Uh huh
Valorant isn't a demanding game by any means. You can play it on a laptop you use to study and it'll still be playable.
But u need atleast 8gb ram and SSD to make it plyabale
Ssd just helps with load times
It doesn't have anything to do with making the game "playable"
U are totally wrong
It makes Valorant to load maps faster
It makes everything inside the game work fast
Try playing valorant on hdd
Then u will feel the pain
I am playing on a hdd sir
Ik what an hdd does
Loading times doesn't make the actual gameplay better or worse
It's not abt the gameplay
It's abt the smoothness
Earlier my map used to load when 2 rounds passed
And normally I got penalties
I just upgraded my laptop today
Also upgraded from win 10 to 11
In range I get 60 Near NPCs and Normally 100+
I haven't tested any gamemode yet
Ill test it tmrow
Valorant took 30mins to download 💀