Using WAF to block Traffic

Hello, We use workers to host our site. Over the past few weeks we noticed some major attacks on our API. We thought it was on the API direct, but turns out after watching the Stream Logs, that we have some people able to bypass Cloudflare protections on the website using crawling tools. We use a subdomain However, I this links to our CNAME for our website. I am inside our website WAF settings and attempting to block a few subset of IPs from our account page.
How or why is the block not occuring? What light switch am I missing?
10 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak34mo ago
You can’t control WAF on the domain. You should look into using the routes config to have a custom domain instead of a CNAME
KBOP4mo ago
So are you saying like we should have something like which is our base site and then pick up inside our cloudflare domain for that specific domain, then apply WAF on that?
Cyb3r-Jak34mo ago
Correct. You will also want to make sure you disable the route in your wrangler config file as well
KBOP4mo ago
I am confused. Maybe you can clarify if I am right or wrong. A) My domain is created on Cloudflare at B) I have Pages/Workers (both) setup on the main account page. C) Inside of the pages (Which I realize I am in workers, but I have both) i have a custom domain set up to and D) Inside the domain itself, I have a CNAME created to main www/root to (Using ChatGPT here) but I think this is everything that is needed?
Cyb3r-Jak34mo ago
It seems like it. The only thing that it seems like you would need to do is disable the workers dev route
KBOP4mo ago
Yes, I just checked and the dev has this file empty. What is the technical reason though for this though? with this (I assume default is true) this turns of WAF for the domain and thus there is no security but the base Cloudflare security, or if you apply buisness package, then you can apply WAF at the account level?
Cyb3r-Jak34mo ago
It doesn’t turn off WAF. You can’t control the WAF for workers or pages dev domains so you disable people’s ability to use those domains and force them domains which you can apply WAF to
KBOP4mo ago
Weird. But I cannot get WAF to apply even when I have the domain setup. Both domains are listed here. I even tried blocking all traffic as well.
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Cyb3r-Jak34mo ago
The record needs to be proxied ( :cloudflare: ) for WAF to be able to take effect
KBOP4mo ago
Works. Excellent!

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