Unknown error 10013

Error on remote worker: APIError: A request to the Cloudflare API (/accounts/3ee55606f881222ad1efb703537713b1/workers/scripts/backoffice/edge-preview) failed.

at throwFetchError
at fetchResult
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async createPreviewToken
at async createWorkerPreview
at async #previewToken
at async #onBundleComplete
at async Mutex.runWith
text: 'A request to the Cloudflare API
(/accounts/3ee55606f881222ad1efb703537713b1/workers/scripts/backoffice/edge-preview) failed.',
notes: [ { text: 'workers.api.error.unknown [code: 10013]' } ],
location: undefined,
kind: 'error',
code: 10013,
accountTag: '3ee55606f881222ad1efb703537713b1'
Error on remote worker: APIError: A request to the Cloudflare API (/accounts/3ee55606f881222ad1efb703537713b1/workers/scripts/backoffice/edge-preview) failed.

at throwFetchError
at fetchResult
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async createPreviewToken
at async createWorkerPreview
at async #previewToken
at async #onBundleComplete
at async Mutex.runWith
text: 'A request to the Cloudflare API
(/accounts/3ee55606f881222ad1efb703537713b1/workers/scripts/backoffice/edge-preview) failed.',
notes: [ { text: 'workers.api.error.unknown [code: 10013]' } ],
location: undefined,
kind: 'error',
code: 10013,
accountTag: '3ee55606f881222ad1efb703537713b1'
I am getting this error using wrangler 3.86.1 and authentificated with wrangler login It happens when using wrangler dev --remote on a sveltekit deployed in workers with a D1 database binding Any idea what this could mean.
9 Replies
Walshy•4mo ago
looks like you have an assets binding and that is breaking it, not sure it's supported in remote yet - cc: @texan
texan•4mo ago
Ah, yup that's exactly right. dev --remote isn't yet supported (but on the roadmap for GA!)
Walshy•4mo ago
(we should have a proper error here 😅 )
texan•4mo ago
I thought we did handle this on the backend; I'll file a ticket for it in the meantime, but maybe I can sneak a fix in this week
Walshy•4mo ago
well it's the api that's throwing unknown error here
texan•4mo ago
@apolodoro can you share your wrangler.toml, and perhaps the version of wrangler you're using?
apolodoroOP•4mo ago
Of course I disabled assets to be able to use remote but thats when i got the error
#:schema node_modules/wrangler/config-schema.json
name = "backoffice"
compatibility_date = "2024-11-06"
main = ".svelte-kit/cloudflare/_worker.js"
# Disabled assets to be able to use wrangler dev --remote
# assets = { directory = ".svelte-kit/cloudflare", binding = "ASSETS" }

# Workers Logs
# Docs: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/observability/logs/workers-logs/
# Configuration: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/observability/logs/workers-logs/#enable-workers-logs
enabled = true

binding = "DB"
#:schema node_modules/wrangler/config-schema.json
name = "backoffice"
compatibility_date = "2024-11-06"
main = ".svelte-kit/cloudflare/_worker.js"
# Disabled assets to be able to use wrangler dev --remote
# assets = { directory = ".svelte-kit/cloudflare", binding = "ASSETS" }

# Workers Logs
# Docs: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/observability/logs/workers-logs/
# Configuration: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/observability/logs/workers-logs/#enable-workers-logs
enabled = true

binding = "DB"
Walshy•4mo ago
Will is OOO, I think this may be fixed - does it still throw an error?
apolodoroOP•4mo ago
Yep just tried, and still the same on the latest version of wrangler

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