Creating an IPFS UnixFS File System By Hand

I am contemplating a collaborative file system based on IPFS. Users will publish the root of a directory tree & a service worker will copy that tree into a Neo4j instance running in Docker with a model of a versioned repository in it. The frontend, then, will talk to Neo4j (which is a graph database) to allow more complex views of the data than a simple tree view. I'm particularly interested in incorporating ordered lists where users rank content. Say I could get 50 people's opinions of the top 20 funniest memes ever, & generate a composite list from those. To avoid having to upload a ton of information for every update, I want to reuse the unchanged parts of the previous iteration that are already in IPFS rather than reupload. To do this, I need to manually construct the directory tree. I had it working with a CBOR-DAG, but the ipfs dag commands are only available on instances where you have API access. So, I want to switch to UnixFS to store stuff. I've tried to get Claude, V0, Co-Pilot, & Bolt to help me, and this is where we're at currently:
#!/usr/bin/env node

import { create as ipfsClient } from 'kubo-rpc-client'
import { prepare, encode } from '@ipld/dag-pb'
import { UnixFS } from 'ipfs-unixfs'

const ipfs = ipfsClient('http://localhost:5001')

try {
const content = '¡Hello, World!'
const file = new UnixFS({
type: 'file',
data: (
typeof content === 'string' ? (new TextEncoder().encode(content)) : (content)
const fileNode = prepare({ Data: file.marshal(), Links: [] })
const fileBytes = encode(fileNode)
const start = await ipfs.add(fileBytes, { layout: 'dag-pb' })`Start CID: ${start.cid.toString()}`)

const dir = new UnixFS({ type: 'directory' })
const dirNode = (
Data: dir.marshal(),
Links: [{ Hash: start.cid, Name: 'hello.txt', Tsize: file.fileSize() }],
const dirBytes = encode(dirNode)
const final = await ipfs.add(dirBytes, { layout: 'dag-pb' })`Final CID: ${final.cid.toString()}`)
} catch(error) {
console.error(`Error: ${error.message}`)
#!/usr/bin/env node

import { create as ipfsClient } from 'kubo-rpc-client'
import { prepare, encode } from '@ipld/dag-pb'
import { UnixFS } from 'ipfs-unixfs'

const ipfs = ipfsClient('http://localhost:5001')

try {
const content = '¡Hello, World!'
const file = new UnixFS({
type: 'file',
data: (
typeof content === 'string' ? (new TextEncoder().encode(content)) : (content)
const fileNode = prepare({ Data: file.marshal(), Links: [] })
const fileBytes = encode(fileNode)
const start = await ipfs.add(fileBytes, { layout: 'dag-pb' })`Start CID: ${start.cid.toString()}`)

const dir = new UnixFS({ type: 'directory' })
const dirNode = (
Data: dir.marshal(),
Links: [{ Hash: start.cid, Name: 'hello.txt', Tsize: file.fileSize() }],
const dirBytes = encode(dirNode)
const final = await ipfs.add(dirBytes, { layout: 'dag-pb' })`Final CID: ${final.cid.toString()}`)
} catch(error) {
console.error(`Error: ${error.message}`)
The output I get from that is:
Start CID: Qmc4KqktSNtJimrTJB5aKujCD27P7sV2AH48CeUbJZ4yJm
Final CID: QmcZA3Zohp3UtsPafQfSg4kPPpxZtGWMeQJvW7dW9WbyLx
❯ ipfs dag get Qmc4KqktSNtJimrTJB5aKujCD27P7sV2AH48CeUbJZ4yJm
❯ ipfs dag get QmcZA3Zohp3UtsPafQfSg4kPPpxZtGWMeQJvW7dW9WbyLx
❯ ipfs cat Qmc4KqktSNtJimrTJB5aKujCD27P7sV2AH48CeUbJZ4yJm | cat -A
^U^H^B^R^OM-BM-!Hello, World!^X^O
❯ ipfs cat QmcZA3Zohp3UtsPafQfSg4kPPpxZtGWMeQJvW7dW9WbyLx | cat -A
"^R M-KM-TM-}d^HM-^YM-wM-2~aqM-3<M-hM-hM-^RM-($
Start CID: Qmc4KqktSNtJimrTJB5aKujCD27P7sV2AH48CeUbJZ4yJm
Final CID: QmcZA3Zohp3UtsPafQfSg4kPPpxZtGWMeQJvW7dW9WbyLx
❯ ipfs dag get Qmc4KqktSNtJimrTJB5aKujCD27P7sV2AH48CeUbJZ4yJm
❯ ipfs dag get QmcZA3Zohp3UtsPafQfSg4kPPpxZtGWMeQJvW7dW9WbyLx
❯ ipfs cat Qmc4KqktSNtJimrTJB5aKujCD27P7sV2AH48CeUbJZ4yJm | cat -A
^U^H^B^R^OM-BM-!Hello, World!^X^O
❯ ipfs cat QmcZA3Zohp3UtsPafQfSg4kPPpxZtGWMeQJvW7dW9WbyLx | cat -A
"^R M-KM-TM-}d^HM-^YM-wM-2~aqM-3<M-hM-hM-^RM-($
So, my file attempt has a bunch of random crap in with the data, & my directory doesn't have any children. When I open either up in the IPFS Desktop it says they're not browsable.
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