Set the information board back to normal
Hey guys, I have a problem that I can't solve. It's about the info panel that isn't displaying correctly. I have no idea how I managed to do this. I checked the game for errors, reinstalled it, removed and re-added the DLC, but nothing changes. Just now, I took an enclosure with elephants, and there was still no info panel. Strangely, the ones from the picture were normal. I understand the problem, but still don't get it.

6 Replies
Did you click the little x on the panel
Which x do you mean
do you perhaps mean (X Leer)?
Far right corner of the little white box that says "gehege-infotafel-set"
yeah, but that doesn't change anything
You need to research the cat
Its like 0 level
Oh yes, now there's a bit more information there. Thank you, I didn't even think about the fact that you have to research the animals first. Oh man, thank you so much, many, many thanks.