Can not access env.GITHUB_TOKEN in event handler

For some reason i can get my git hub token inside of the function i have done other debugging and it does work outside of the function. Normally i ask AI and it is pretty good at fixing my problems, Ive searched on here and online and i see where people have has problems similar but i can not get it fixed. here a paste bin of the cloud flare worker. if I hardcode the api key for testing it works just fine.
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4 Replies
Walshy4mo ago
Service worker format doesn't use env It'd just be GITHUB_TOKEN
TuckerOP4mo ago
hmm, I tried to remove .env no luck, I just don't understand how i can run export default { async fetch(request, env, ctx) { return new Response(API host: ${env.GITHUB_TOKEN}); } } and it will log the correct one but the seccond i enter the event handler there is nothing
Walshy4mo ago
because export default is module syntax addEventListener is service worker syntax they both handle envs differently
"Authorization": `Bearer {GITHUB_TOKEN}`"
"Authorization": `Bearer {GITHUB_TOKEN}`"
should just be that in service worker
Tucker Higley
Tucker Higley4mo ago
If anyone else has ran into this please let me know. When I do what is listed above it says error fetching commit SHA: Bad Creditials. And the secrete is the exact same as if I paste it as plain text in the code

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