editing controller bindings?

i'm running flatland on my original HTC Vive and the default binding for the corner handles is grip, which needs a bit too much force to comfortably hold while moving windows around, is there any way i can go about changing this to trigger or menu?
169 Replies
Nova4mo ago
ah shoot that's kinda hardcoded in :/ most controllers have comfy grips i didn't think anyone would have an htc vive controller :p but i'll see what i can do
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
can i just change it myself for the time being?
Nova4mo ago
yeah if you look in sk_controller.rs i believe you should be able to see datamap.grab = something like that
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
and yeah, completely understandable that you wouldn't expect someone using this hardware in 2024 lol
Nova4mo ago
just search up grab: controller.grip, in the server you'll find it i want to make it comfy for all setups so actually this is very useful
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
one thing i'm very surprised about is how readable text is even on my ancient hardware
Nova4mo ago
ahaha yeah i stole the lanzcos filter from simulavr it blurs text intelligently even with perspective warp you really don't need the highest spec stuff to get readable text, that's Big Headset wanting you to buy the higher res headset instead of making the headset do anything useful :p jk but it's not a common technique is what it really boils down to
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
lol yeah, honestly the only thing i didn't like about this HMD was the garbage-tier factory lenses, but you can just use a 3D printed adapter to swap them out for GearVR ones and then the picture gets like 10x better
Nova4mo ago
oh nicee is it comfy to read?
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
haven't read anything long enough to determine that just yet, once i get the bindings changed and figure out keyboard input i'll try reading for a bit and see how it is i just know its orders of magnitude better than any other text i've ever seen rendered on this headset
Nova4mo ago
ok for keyboard you just run manifold | azimuth and that'll take input from a desktop window you can click into to capture mouse/keyboard and turn it into a virtual pointer or manifold | simular to beam your keyboard to whatever you're looking at (eye tracking not included it's just a ray coming from your head directly forward lol) from the manifold window
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
lol, believe it or not the lack of eye tracking support is not a deal-breaker for me
Nova4mo ago
stardust actually does support eye tracking but monado as of yet does not so i cannot test it i can even replicate transient pointers like visionOS using stardust and the SUIS
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
well i just mean i don't really have the hardware regardless
Nova4mo ago
fair fair haha this is, until i get the dbus stuff working, in which case i'm gonna break apart the hardcoded input methods and put them in clients and such and allow mode switching to fix the issue architecturally
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
so uh, how do i actually go about changing the button?
Nova4mo ago
you'll be able to switch between controllers/hand modes so you could have an extendo-hand mode, telekinesis, etc. change controller.grip to controller.<something else>
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
was assuming i'd find the typical OpenXR path stuff tried changing that to menu and it didn't compile since i'd imagine trigger is already mapped somewhere
Nova4mo ago
trigger is select uhhh hmm idk lol grab: controller.stick_click.is_active() as u32 as f32, try this it'll middle click too but whatever
self.datamap = ControllerDatamap {
select: controller.trigger,
middle: 0.0,
context: controller.is_x2_pressed() as u32 as f32,
grab: controller.stick_click.is_active() as u32 as f32,
scroll: controller.stick.into(),
self.datamap = ControllerDatamap {
select: controller.trigger,
middle: 0.0,
context: controller.is_x2_pressed() as u32 as f32,
grab: controller.stick_click.is_active() as u32 as f32,
scroll: controller.stick.into(),
this should do it so you can press the circle pad to move stuff but can't middle click any flatland panels
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
unrelated, but it's awesome that cargo just doesn't bother building stuff that hasn't changed
Nova4mo ago
everyone complains about rust compile times but like it's not that bad when iterating on stuff
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
i mean, the more i learn about rust the more i like it honestly i've been reading the rust book and slowly figuring things out yeah now i just can't grab things
Nova4mo ago
dangit stick click must not map to the circle pad what the sigma
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
the joys of old hardware
Nova4mo ago
vive controllers really barely had anything didn't they hmm ok actually
self.datamap = ControllerDatamap {
select: controller.trigger,
middle: controller.stick_click.is_active() as u32 as f32,
context: controller.is_x2_pressed() as u32 as f32,
grab: controller.trigger,
scroll: controller.stick.into(),
self.datamap = ControllerDatamap {
select: controller.trigger,
middle: controller.stick_click.is_active() as u32 as f32,
context: controller.is_x2_pressed() as u32 as f32,
grab: controller.trigger,
scroll: controller.stick.into(),
try this it should work fine actually, the SUIS can handle stuff like this just fine
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
i've got a total of 4 buttons and a trackpad lol
Nova4mo ago
what buttons? you can make the trigger do both grab and select given how the system works
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
grip, menu, system and trackpad click
Nova4mo ago
thank god i made the SUIS like this literally no other system would support this shenanigan
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
well, and trigger of course
Nova4mo ago
yeah, so if you remap grab to trigger it should work given the way that the SUIS does capturing anything you wanna grab won't do trigger it'll capture the thing so nothing else detects it as trigger and vice versa
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
working great tried manifold | simular and it works, but inputs get stuck if i look away from a window
Nova4mo ago
yeah that's... a bug it's very complex to fix it
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
i'd imagine it would be
Nova4mo ago
so i've been focusing on a lot of other stuff before it
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
understandable the fact that it works at all is very impressive
Nova4mo ago
you can hold the same key when not looking then look back at it then unpress to fix it :p
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
yeah i figured that out lol it's easy enough to work around is mouse input a thing?
Nova4mo ago
well yes but actually no it's... broken
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
fair enough
Nova4mo ago
and simular's mouse input doesn't get routed anywhere because flatland can't process it because that's a lot more work i haven't had time to do yet
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
Nova4mo ago
azimuth moves the pointer but the input methods don't work in clients for some reason oh right i think it can't find the input handlers properly yet :blobcatgoogly:
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
even the idea of the workflow with this is super cool
Nova4mo ago
what would you say is better about this workflow compared to other XR headsets or compositors
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
like, the ability to just look at the thing you want to interact with and just instantly interacting with it is crazy
Nova4mo ago
i invented the basis for that back in 2020
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
it's like a step above focus follows mouse which i can't live without anymore
Nova4mo ago
you could look at a cube and flick your head to rotate it what about stardust as a whole vs other stuff?
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
admittedly i've never used any other XR compositors, but so far this feels like the future in a way i didn't imagine it would
Nova4mo ago
cool, thanks for your feedback, customer #1564151354 :p
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
i mean, combine this with passthrough and hand tracking and i don't even know that i would ever buy another monitor lol
Nova4mo ago
well we have hand tracking and passthrough technically too but that one's janky
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
alright, weird question time. would it be possible to create a window that renders a different thing in each eye?
Nova4mo ago
haven't added custom shaders yet but when that happens, yes that's also gonna take a while since i am not a graphics programmer
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
my mind is instantly going to the ability to play 3D content on this without the need for garbage like bigscreen
Nova4mo ago
yes absolutely totally not something any other headset could do not like apple can
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
Nova4mo ago
i even want to make a special virtual controller for games
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
i've literally had the same for a while actually having a virtual environment with whatever kind of display you want and whatever kind of controller you want just seems so cool
Nova4mo ago
yeah, it's total freedom since you can virtualize the hardware not good for everything like flight sticks are very good stilll but it can make a lot of stuff obsolete
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
but like, imagine having a virtual arcade cabinet type thing
Nova4mo ago
oh yeah you could def do that the argument against it is "why not just have a list of games you tap like on a phone"
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
like take space harrier for example, this seems like it would translate perfectly
No description
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
but anyway, thanks for the help (and the amazing software)
Nova4mo ago
thanks! if you wanna make your own stardust apps/objects ping me and i can help you understand how it's just basic rust
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
i'll absolutely start making stuff for this once i have a better understanding of rust i think just trying this has done wonders for my motivation to actually learn rust as well
Nova4mo ago
it's taken me 5 years to get to this point 2 years since i ported it to rust
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
it's like, almost strange that i have a proper goal of something i want to make
Nova4mo ago
that's the beauty of stardust and XR in general, the end result is tangible because it's a 3D thing
Nervyalloy5OP4mo ago
instead of just learning a language for the sake of it exactly
anomalous3mo ago
use the wands too, rly like them except the weird side button
anomalous3mo ago
Whaa that's so cool. Eytrack VR is supported it seems? https://lvra.gitlab.io/docs/hardware/
Linux VR Adventures Wiki
VR Gear & GPUs
Hardware # GPU support matrix # Manufacturer Driver VR Support Reprojection Support Hybrid Graphics Support Notes Nvidia Nvidia (Closed Source) Excellent Excellent Supported Requires an implicit vulkan-layer to not segfault: AUR・Fedora・Ubuntu・Debian Nvidia Nouveau (Open Source) Functional Functional Supported Lacks DisplayPort audio. Intel i915 ...
anomalous3mo ago
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
used that for a while, but it doesn't have the depth i want for 3D content (due to the size of the "screen" i'd imagine) it's mostly fine for something like tron legacy, but the 3D effect is nearly imperceptible in say, gravity it also doesn't have an environment, and i don't really like pitch black surroundings when watching movies IIRC for 3D to work properly you have to be in a bit of a sweet spot of screen size and distance to screen, and that's the only thing bigscreen seems to get right (which is why i used that example) then when you get into the particulars of actually watching a full quality blu-ray you hit the roadblock of MVC vs SBS/OU no VR players can currently project MVC as far as i can tell, so your options are restricted to side-by-side or over-under encoding
Nova3mo ago
what's MVC?
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
every VR player i've ever come across has only supported half side-by-side or half over-under, which means you squish the content to either half horizontal or half vertical resolution multi-view-codec IIRC
Nova3mo ago
why couldn't you just make it double the width anyway, when dmabuf transfer and custom shaders are added, this'll be easy (though the stardust client will have to generate the gpu buffers for both eyes from the video, idk how to do that)
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
basically you have the right eye track, then the MVC track which is the difference between the right eye and the left
Nova3mo ago
ooooh that's fancy
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
it's what every 3D blu-ray uses, and it's a proprietary codec, which causes problems every single VR player i've ever come across only accepts streaming a desktop window (well, biscreen supports files, but not full SBS or MVC, so it doesn't matter) and i don't know about you, but my monitor is not 3840x1080
Nova3mo ago
right, so you could make the desktop window twice the width/height? oh righttt screen size limits :p i forgot that was even an issue for some people
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
exactly why i see stardust as a perfect solution lol
Nova3mo ago
ok so then that just needs custom shaders
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
completely unbound by monitors
Nova3mo ago
since dmabuf stuff is handled by the panel item impl in stardust
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
the only issue then becomes decoding MVC, which is only currently possible with a program called BD3D2MK3D and i'd really like to not have to use that software again lol granted i'm probably just about the only person still ripping blu-ray discs in $current_year
Nova3mo ago
this is a legit problem tho at the moment only apple vision pro even has decent 3D programming because of this limit the quest theoretically could have it but now it's an all-inclusive 3D app that forces a context switch away from everything else and isn't persistent
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
i really just want to be able to watch tron legacy in 3D without spending tens of thousands of dollars on a home theater
Nova3mo ago
honestly, moooood if i had good 3D vision but yea tron legacy is a big mood favorite movie by far
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
it's for sure my favorite 3D movie my favorite movie still goes to hackers though lol
Nova3mo ago
haha that one's great too they got all the technical bits of hacking so wrong but the culture and social engineering they got 10000% right
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
lol yeah a good amount of lines from that movie are just stuck in my head forever in case you're curious, here's my current top 10 (in no particular order honestly) hackers, blade runner, blade runner 2049, the fifth element, stargate, johnny mnemonic, monty python and the holy grail, tron, tron: legacy
Nova3mo ago
yea understandable johnny mnemonic does have that great VR internet scene i think what it got right over everything else is the pure tactility and variety of interaction with hand tracking like, is it abstract? yeah, but to someone who grew up on it that interface would make sense
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
it really did, didn't it
Nova3mo ago
it's something that seems coherent in another universe with different history unlike minority report
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
lol yeah
Nova3mo ago
which has a technologically feasible (it's been built IRL) but HORRIBLE interface because it's all abstract gestures with no signifiers AT ALL the only thing i liked about it was putting files in the glass tablet and transferring them
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
honestly i think my main problem with a lot of sci-fi stuff is the fact that it all assumes we're going to just use flat glass panels with not tactile bits on them i don't think anyone wants that honestly
Nova3mo ago
tell that to the original star trek haha techbros do
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
huh, it does kinda work for star trek though
Nova3mo ago
though i gotta say, star trek discovery's whole programmable matter in the future for adaptive tactile interfaces was GREAT until.... they just show examples of it like 2 times after but that's the hollywood hologram effect tho the actors can't see the thing and react accordingly, it's gotta be added in post so you can't really make good interactions unlike johnny mnemonic where it was animated, so you can
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
haven't watched that one i've only watched the original series, the next generation, and voyager
Nova3mo ago
ahhh well you should know i HATE LCARS
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
i tried to watch deep space nine, but uh, couldn't
Nova3mo ago
mood tbh
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
understandable lol looks good on camera though just as long as you don't actually think about using it
Nova3mo ago
aaaaaaaaa ok but there is 1 example of good lcars just 1 and guess where that is
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
no clue
Nova3mo ago
star trek prodigy 3D animated
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
that makes sense
Nova3mo ago
the lcars on the protostar actually had labels and distinction and i legit feel like i could fly that ship it's all actually super clear and understandable it's not as good as it could be IMO but it is still amazing
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
IIRC the idea behind it is that the computer created a profile of where you expect each button to be or something
Nova3mo ago
the problem is, they all look identical
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
so the real problem is that every person in the star trek universe has incredibly un-intuitive ideas about UI
Nova3mo ago
yeah i swear if i was there i'd slap them all around and make a better design for all this
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
lol idk, i guess when it comes to UI design i would just prefer to interact with the least amount of it possible to do the thing i want
Nova3mo ago
so... many people say that and think it and believe it but in practice, i've found that it's not that simple
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
like, if i can do something physically with like a knob or buttons, i woul much prefer that over software
Nova3mo ago
you can have interfaces with more complexity and more ways to do a thing but end up easier overall
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
i should specify, i guess i meant like, user interaction not UI, my bad i think when it coes to actual software stuff i just want consistency and information density
Nova3mo ago
problem is, what happens when a consistent interface doesn't fit well for a given task like, trying to use a similar interface between editing audio and charting stars doesn't... work
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
i mean, i want consistency per-app more than cross-app
Nova3mo ago
ahh that's def understandable idk how you even screw up intra-app consistency
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
or like, for web design if i expect a thing to work a certain way, and then a website changes that, i get quite annoyed
Nova3mo ago
ah gotcha
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
like those websites that seemingly stop my scrolling to like, zoom an image before i can get past the bit of text
Nova3mo ago
but the question is, do you get annoyed when it's a stupid redesign or is it that it changed, even if to something better
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
depends on the redesign if it changes where i expect things to be, then i'll get annoyed at first for sure but i can get over that if the general usage is at least on-par after i learn it unless the new design changes something that actually impacts my usage i'm generally fine with it
Nova3mo ago
right, so if you were to switch a traditional audio editor like audacity for having a giant ribbon of audio you could stretch physically and cut with finger scissors, that'd be ok since you can do it just as fast but it's still different than before
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
i strongly disliked the wikipedia UI for a while when they made the page not take up the full width of my monitor for example but then was fine with it when they added the width buttons on the side (before that, i made an account to use the old UI) yeah that's fine i just can't stand software slowing me down
Nova3mo ago
that i will def agree with but there's no need to do that if well designed
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
that kinda actually works for both points come to think of it
Nova3mo ago
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
like, the wikipedia thing slows down how fast i can parse information by not showing as much text i think the only other major gripe i have with current design is buttons that don't look like buttons
Nova3mo ago
well that's not gonna be a huge problem
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
or links that don't look like links
Nova3mo ago
i hate buttons a ton they're 0-dimensional actions
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
Nova3mo ago
combining controls into more context in XR is totally free you don't have it where 2 buttons is cheaper than a knob for a physical device anymore
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
i think my favorite bit of software UI is blender, which i can't imagine is a popular opinion i like that it gives me everything i could possibly need with like, 2 clicks max
Nova3mo ago
blender's... not bad it's got so many things you could do but no real unifying principle
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
i mean, fair lol
Nova3mo ago
you have panel and panel and panel all over the place i do think my concept of making blender fractal would help a bit tho where you're presented with a root empty nodegraph that you can drop a scene node into and zoom into that until it fills the full view effectively, making it so it's modeless meaning that at least you don't have the compositor technically act both inside and outside the scene at the same time
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
how do you mean?
Nova3mo ago
No description
Nova3mo ago
kinda like this and you could have a VSE node and all too that you can plug the image outputs into clips and such unifying them all in 1 continuous space with a very clear heirarchy
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
that's interesting
Nova3mo ago
using ctrl+scroll or such to go in and out through everything
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
just uh, good luck avoiding all of the blender hotkeys
Nova3mo ago
well that'd be determined by what your mouse is over
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
fair lol, was just making a joke
Nova3mo ago
and ctrl+scroll would be truly global
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
well, ctrl+scroll does something in the 3D viewport
Nova3mo ago
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
moves the view left and right IIRC then shift+scroll is up and down
Nova3mo ago
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
alt+scroll is timeline i think blender really is a mess when it comes to keybinds but it's a mess that i've memorized by heart like ctrl+alt+shift+c is the hotkey to set an objects origin but then shift+c is to center the viewport on the 3D cursor
Nova3mo ago
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
like i said, it's a mess come to think of it though, that might loop back to my idea that i like to avoid UI might be why i like blender so much i can just memorize the arcane keybinds and not click anything lol it does become a problem if someone asks me how to use blender though because like, i can say exactly how to do a thing, but have no clue how to explain it and just to add another layer to my abstraction from the general population, i still use the classic blender controls so while everyone else is selecting with left mouse and has like, a right-click menu i'm over here selecting with right mouse and moving the 3D cursor with left ....which also ties into the thing about design changes i think because i'm fine with a new change so long as it's not slower but if i'm given the choice to just not use the new thing i won't so i guess i'm just too stubborn </rant>
Nova3mo ago
i use classic blender controls with left click select :p i'm v weird
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
classic is right click though, left click is the new™️ controls
Nova3mo ago
yes :p i change that 1 keybind from classic controls
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
ugh, left click select was set as the default in 2018... could have sworn it wasn't that long ago
Nova3mo ago
haha yea
Nervyalloy5OP3mo ago
didn't even know that was an option i honestly don't even know what else the new controls changed i've just been using blender the same way since 2.74 back in 2015 anyway, im going to get back to... whatever i was doing... which i'm sure was important but i've completely forgotten about hopefully i haven't caused you too much suffering with my incoherent and probably contradictory UI ramblings
anomalous3mo ago
^w^ cool! yea i noticed too that the depth isn't that strong. idk here is an ffmpeg command i made that works to view 3d video from nintendo 3ds in vr-video-player:
ffmpeg -i HNI_0001.AVI -filter_complex '[0:v:1][0:v:0]hstack,scale=1920:960:flags=lanczos,vaguedenoiser,setsar=2/1,tblend' -r 30 -c:v libsvtav1 -preset 6 -crf 18 -g 60 -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -svtav1-params tune=0:rc=0:scd=1 -c:a libopus -metadata:s:v stereo_mode=left_right output_11_s.mkv
ffmpeg -i HNI_0001.AVI -filter_complex '[0:v:1][0:v:0]hstack,scale=1920:960:flags=lanczos,vaguedenoiser,setsar=2/1,tblend' -r 30 -c:v libsvtav1 -preset 6 -crf 18 -g 60 -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -svtav1-params tune=0:rc=0:scd=1 -c:a libopus -metadata:s:v stereo_mode=left_right output_11_s.mkv
i used av1 and de-noise because the mjpeg blockiness is too jarring and 30fps instead of 20 default
Nova3mo ago
nintendo 3ds omg
anomalous3mo ago
I wish it could record in higher resolution in 3d, but i guess its a bandwidth/cpu speed limit.

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