Feedback on a login and sign up screens for a phone app

I am developing a fitness app and i am not sure if i forgot anything in this design, also i would like to hear if you like how the colours match and if the font size is good. Big text on the top is 32px Sign up is 16px inputs are 13px password requiermants are 8px and text below a button is 10px Any feedback is appreciated, Thank you all
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34 Replies
ἔρως3mo ago
ew, password requirements 🤢 also, is this for a medical, financial, insurance or government website? if it isn't why do you ask to pick "man" and/or "woman"? also, why is it checkboxes? and why you don't have labels? also, you don't have a password recovery link and the buttons say "sign up" for the login that red on that background is a bit painful to read
Jochem3mo ago
and fitness doesn't count as medical to expand on this: The only requirements for passwords should be length (and longer than 8), and that it isn't the name / email address. Other requirements just make them less secure by reducing entropy. a lot of your type is too small punctuation doesn't have a space in front of it in English, so it's "Welcome!" not "Welcome !" when people see underscores in field names, they'll assume something is wrong. Username is a single word too, not two, so the underscore doesn't make sense. Username_name is nothing as well
ἔρως3mo ago
i was bundling it together, as diets can be different for men and women exactly, specially arbitrary requirements made by someone who didn't put any true though about the actual rules this hurts both the user experience as the security of the passwords people will struggle to set mediocre passwords i agree with the requirements you listed, as those are absolutely sane also, crap like 12345678
Jochem3mo ago
hhhhmmmm, calory requirements are a bit different, maybe. But I'd put it on the inside of the app and not in signup
ἔρως3mo ago
yes, that's a good point
Jochem3mo ago
also, always have at least an "other / choose not to share" option ideally, you'd have male, female, non-binary, other, choose not to share or well, really ideally, it's a combo field with those as a dropdown but the option to fill it out yourself
ἔρως3mo ago
this depends a lot of the domain, but i agree yes, and not checkboxes or .... square radio buttons 🤢 square radio buttons are a crime and crime doesn't pay
Jochem3mo ago
for medical use, you should use gender and sex, and it needs to be a lot more complex. For governement, just gender is fine and all the rest can get fucked, they don't need a gender
ἔρως3mo ago
i disagree with "should" for medical: you must
Jochem3mo ago
and even government should only ask in very limited circumstances yeah, fair. though even then, the dentist? Shouldn't even ask
ἔρως3mo ago
i don't know if dentists have to be as careful as a general medicine clinic there's medicine that's specific for male or female and some medicine can actually kill you, so, i don't know if it is the same with dentists but if i had to do something related to that, i would need to learn about that domain
lajkmi.OP3mo ago
This is an app for people to help them lose weight and stay in shape, the reason i ask if they are a man or a woman is that they will be getting different advice, and different exercises would be recommended. As for the checkboxes i like how they look here, as for the red color you are right it is hard to read i have chaged it to DB0000 Thank you for the input i have reduced the requirements to be min 10ch long and not to be a name or an email, the reson i have put a space before and exlamation mark is just cus i thought that it looks better that way, also when you say the type is too small what font size would you recommend? I can't put a non-binary or other here because the app is made to help people lose weight and stay in shape and in biology of humans there are only man and woman, but i understand that some people don't like sharing that so i will add an option where they can choose not to answer Also i do have a password recovery link it is right under password on a log in page
Jochem3mo ago
that's also incorrect btw, that there's only men and women. Intersex people exist and a lot of other factors go into calculating base metabolic rate. Regardless, it should be with the other settings for that, like height, age, and weight. As for the recommended size, no idea. I just had trouble reading the text
lajkmi.OP3mo ago
I do not intend for the app to calculate their metabolic rate, the app will serve as advice giver and for motivation, it is not a standard weight loss app, aside from that, maybe i can just change it to: male body type and female body type? as for the size of the text it should be fine on a phone but i will test it more
Jochem3mo ago
if you're not calculating base metabolic rate, you shouldn't need gender as a factor? Base metabolic rate is your average daily caloric burn
lajkmi.OP3mo ago
Also thanks for pointing out Username_name XD i didn't even see it Now that i think about it you do have a good point there, i don't even need it, thanks for making me realize that
lajkmi.OP3mo ago
this is a full version, for the recovery i was thinking to send them a code on email then when they enter the code they get to make a new password and after that they get sent into the app
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lajkmi.OP3mo ago
Thank you for your time
ἔρως3mo ago
As for the checkboxes i like how they look here
that is horrible. that's like putting a button that's actually a text field of a slider that's actually a color picker what the app shows and the user expectations aren't matching you're right. it is so easy to miss
lajkmi.OP3mo ago
I think i get it i will refrain from using checkboxes in the future, thanks for the input
ἔρως3mo ago
no no no that's not what i meant what i mean is to do not make the radio buttons look like checkboxes
Jochem3mo ago
the idea is that things need to have a consistent visual. People expect a thing that can only have one value from a group to be round, and something that can have multiple values to be square. You shouldn't mess with that visual language just because you like the way it looks, because it will definitely confuse users
ἔρως3mo ago
it's been a staple since the 80's, maybe earlier
lajkmi.OP3mo ago
OOOH okay i get it XDDD, thanks a lot, both of you were a lot of help
ἔρως3mo ago
you're welcome the sign up form is in violation of the gdpr laws, as it doesn't have a mandatory checkbox and a link link to the privacy policy you also should have one for the terms of use as well
lajkmi.OP3mo ago
You are right i will add them, thank you a lot
ἔρως3mo ago
you're welcome
Sleep Twitch
Sleep Twitch3mo ago
I don't like the combination of the purple and the brown/orange. I also find the background colors a bit boring and depressing. The grey has a slight brownish feel and I don't like that. Doesn't give the app that should get people motivated an uplifting spirit I think. It should look fresher.
lajkmi.OP3mo ago
You bring up a good point, i was playing with some fresher colors yk (green, blue ect), but with the animation i have in mind for a background, and animation of characters plus their voice, i don't wan't the app to be too overwhelming, even tho the goal of the app is to spike a dopamin rush i don't want that to be too much, thanks on the feedback
pangalan13mo ago
use a design system bruh
lajkmi.OP3mo ago
What do you mean by design system? And if you don't have any constructive critisiam please refrein from commenting
pangalan13mo ago
I'm not a designer but you can use it to make things more consistent in your design. Like using predefined padding values or font-sizes
pangalan13mo ago
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lajkmi.OP3mo ago
Oh okay i know what you mean now by that, i will take a look thanks

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