REST API and RESTful API are the same thing?
if not, what’s the difference? Are they both idempotent? both send stateless requests? or those are not the differences?
4 Replies
The issue is people just make json endpoints and call them restful APIs
When people say “Restful API”, they usually mean the API complies to some degree of the HATEOAS methodology… though they often neglect to mention how well it conforms. REST does not mean JSON. In fact, many early Restful API’s used XML as a way to help developers transition from SOAP services. I’ve seen REST services implemented via web sockets, IPC channels, and other forms of communication. HTTP API’s just happen to be the most popular.
Why your REST services aren’t restful
Software Engineering is a wonderful space to work within. There is constant change and improvement, new tools to take advantage of, and…
thank u b1
rest and restful are akin to beauty and beautiful