Swapping Radeon to AMDGPU kernel

Using an older hd 8490 and it defaults to the radeon kernel. Im trying to force it over to amdgpu but no instructions i can find line up. Theres no grub file in etc/default. Theres no amdgpu.conf in modprobe.d . If i make the amdgpu.conf file and place it in there with Options amdgpu si_support=1 Options amdgpu cik_support=1 Options radeon si_support=0 Options radeon cik_support=0 And reboot it doesnt seem to change. I currently cant boot into gaming mode due to this. Im not sure if its related but I also need to re-enter my steam credentials everytime. Wether i reboot the machine or just close steam and reopen it in the same session.
6 Replies
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo3mo ago
Kernel arguments can be changed with rpm-ostree kargs --help
estacacoOP3mo ago
So rpm-ostree kargs --editor and place Options amdgpu si_support=1 Options amdgpu cik_support=1 Options radeon si_support=0 Options radeon cik_support=0 In there? If not im not sure what im supposed to do with the information you provided
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo3mo ago
Those are for modprobe.d, the options for the kernel look a little different iirc it's gonna be something like: rpm-ostree kargs --append=amdgpu.si_support=1 --append=and_so_on same thing you'd put in grub
estacacoOP3mo ago
Alright ill try those Thanks!
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo3mo ago
estacacoOP3mo ago
That either didnt work or commands were incorrect unfortunately. After reboot lspci still says its using radeon unfortunately Got confirmation the commands are correct. Just gonna stick a fork in it and put windows on. Thanks for your assistance! Couldn't get gaming mode to work due to some vulkan issues. But if you put PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 in launch parameters you can force games out of vulkan in desktop mode and just enable big picture on boot as a work around. Not as good as using vulkan but will work in a pinch for older amd gpus and intel igpus

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