Workers Build "unlimited" builds not unlimited?
All my worker builds are "queued" and even if I attempt to re-trigger them, they're stuck in "queued".
According to the workers beta docs, there are no limits to workers builds during beta, why would all my builds be stuck?
(we're on a Pro plan btw"
10 Replies
what's your account id and can you give me a build id?
yeah one sec
sent via dm
Thanks and you have none at all running?
none are running afaik
i have 5 stuck in "queued"
tried stopping/starting, no luck
Thanks I've passed it along to the team
Team have told me you should be good now
looks like builds have resumed! thanks!
sorry to bother again but now im seeing builds just timing out (will dm you screenshots)
:ablobsweats: ugh sorry
having npm installs timeout, not sure how to troubleshoot/debug. dmed you