VALORANT•4mo ago

Is 1 sensitivity and 800dpi normal?

I have been using default sens with 800dpi I feel ok with it but I have been told that normal is way below 1 and I just started so I could change it what do you think?
19 Replies
Raum•4mo ago
I use 800 dpi 0.5 sens, because I prefer low sens but 800 dpi 1 sens is totally fine if you feel okay with it
GlossR•4mo ago
well that is pretty high to be honest most players play on 0.25 - 0.5 from what ive seen
Pixel•4mo ago
If you're use to it, keep playing with it I used to use 2000 dpi and 2-3.7 as my ingame sens lol
sb•4mo ago
that is not low sens it is not
Raum•4mo ago
Sens is entirely personal preference so it doesn't matter what the value is lol
sb•4mo ago
0.2-0.5 is average sens here for people who say "if you're comfortable with it its fine, there is a reason its the average becuase its better like that. having too high of a sens makes you focus only on wrist aiming which can be detrimental later on for your physical wrist health and stops you from incorporating techniques such as using your arm to help aim. read ty
Raum•4mo ago
you don't have to follow the average to be good at the game and feel fine moving your mouse kek
sb•4mo ago
? yeah hes going to feel fine moving his mouse but it is objectively wrong to use that high of a sens
sb•4mo ago
becuase of
No description
Raum•4mo ago
So if a pro player is using too high or low sens, they are objectively wrong?
sb•4mo ago
no becuase they know how to use those techniques using too high of a sens to start off playing fps games is wrong becuase you cant learn how to use your arm and will always play the game wrist only never using arm which is wrong pro players can have high high sens (not that common anyways) becuase they already learnt how to use arm anyways so sens doesnt hinder them
Raum•4mo ago
Idk, but now that I think about it I have always been using only my wrist, and I am not doing bad at fps games at all ;d rarely have to use my arm unless im rotating my camera hard
Pixel•4mo ago
Actually true ya You rely much more on your wrist for movement, and overtime that can cause damage
Raum•4mo ago
Well I guess I have been playing like this for 10 years + no damage yet 🤣
Pixel•4mo ago
My wrist is fine, and I was using that for around a year, but I do have some friends who did get there wrist fucked from excessive use of their wrist I'd say keep using your current sens But maybe try to use your arm instead of the wrist, just in case
sb•4mo ago
Raum•4mo ago
i don't grind ranked anymore cuz im washed, but immo 2 peak 3k elo faceit few years ago
sipan•4mo ago
no defo not normal for 800 dpi you should stay inbetween 0.2 and .6 if you really wanna rank up
washableOP•4mo ago
Thank you for all the help I switched down to .4 and feel better already

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