Error 1000 - Webpage is Down (Gave Up getting any help from Cloudflare)

[ Abandoned] Hello, I was speaking with my domain host, Namecheap about my gmail not working. During the process, the customer service rep helping me asked me to delete all my DNS records from Cloudflare and import a new and refreshed data base to the DNS records. Good news is my email is working. Bad news is my website is now down. I thought maybe the IP address is wrong that I'm using in there. I've gone back through the whole process(s) of setting all this up and repeated the steps along the way. I have the cloudflare nameservers on my DNS settings at Namecheap. According to the rep at Namecheap they've done everything they could troubleshooting wise on their end. I was getting an Error 1000 referencing something to do with an IP address being redirected to invalid state or something like that, but now when I go to my webpage, I see an "Ok!" in the very top left corner of the page. Naturally, since the error indicated that it was something to do with Cloudflare, the Namecheap guy was done helping me. I'm so frustrated and confused with all this mess. I need some help really bad. Is that a bad IP address for Cloudflare? The troubleshooting doc in cloudflare for Error 1000 does not offer any help to me at all, or at I don't understand what it's asking me to do. Am I supposed to be using Cloudflare's IP address in my cloudflare DNS records, or Namecheap's IP address? Do I change all of the IP addressed on all the A names, or just line where my domain name is? I've provided a second photo of the DNS records from Namecheap as well to hopefully help give some better insight to the solution here. Please send help as I'm actively working on this website to get it up and going. I'm on hold until this is resolved. Thanks in advance!
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74 Replies
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
where's your website actually hosted?
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
As far as I know it's Namecheap
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
there's a panel in namecheap to manage your hosting?
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
I mean there's the Domain DNS settings and cpanel
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
prob cpanel open the website settings for your website and find the IP address might be in cpanel, might be somewhere else
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
okay I'm in the zone records. Am I looking for that IP address?
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
not the zone record this has nothing to do with your Dns or domain settings i'm talking about the website hosting section where your website files are actually hosted and served by the server
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
I have a "file manager" in the cpanel. What am I looking for in there?
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
not file manager in your website plan, you add a website and attach a domain. that's a separate website now hosted in your plan. i'm talking about the settings for that website entry I think after you log in to cpanel, you're looking for Hosting Welcome Guide >> Hosting package details and the ip address under that
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
So it's not the IP address that I posted in the photo attached. The A record or CNAME? I've tried to search and/or CTRL + F feature search key words like: hosting, plan, welcome, guide, package details,... I'm not finding anything matching those keywords. I found something called Shared Hosting - Stellar, but it has the same IP address that I posted in the picture and in the cpanel zone records
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago is the domain for the website?
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
the pic on the right, the zone records, is for namecheap?
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
yes right is Namecheap, my host, and left is Cloudflare which is my security blanket website. Namecheap customer service rep said that all my dns records are managed there now because I have the nameservers pointing towards Cloudlfare
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
ok the a record in CF and the one in namecheap do not match which one is correct
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
well the one on the left picture (cloudflare) is the cloudflare IP address, where as the picture on the right (namecheap) is their IP address.
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
no it's not plus the a record in CF needs to point to the correct place CF should not redirecting all traffic to itself You need to tell it where to forward traffic to after it's passed all the security checks
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago I thought was a cloudflare IP. It's actually the same ip address shown on the tutorial video on how to connect your domain to cloudflare from namecheap. So, it kinda made sense that my records show the same as the records did in the tutorial video but it still may be wrong
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
that's teh A record in the CF panel no. follow the ip address that the hosting panel gives you, not the tutorial video the cf IPs start with 104 and 172, and those are returned on a dns lookup, not configured in your dns zone
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
okay I'm going to take the (namecheap) and put it in CF A record only then and see what happens
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
yes it may take time to propagate use a dns propagation checking website
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
now, of the 9 A records listen in CF, do I only change the one line that has the domain name in it?
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
for now yes i take that back, don't need to wait for dns propagation
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
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David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
these IPs are cloudflare's
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
Well, I don't know where I got the IP I think it was just automatically imported in there by default. so far, no changes.
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
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David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
seems like you have another problem to fix
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
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Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
I'm still seeing the "OK!" message on a white screen when I go to my domain
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
with or without www?
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
if I type in without www. it automatically puts it in the html box when I hit enter
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
is OK! what's supposed to happen? try it in an incognito window
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
same 'Ok!"
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
is that what's supposed to happen?
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
that's b/c of this
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David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
if you go to you get the same
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
no, if I go into my website edit tool and click preview my website to "see the changes" it comes to a weird C++ like ddos black message yep so the ludacris record comes from implementing my website tool developer into the mix.
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
idk what your'e trying to do, so as long as it's normal now you need to figure out why it's serving a file manager that's a hosting-side problem the CF side is resolved
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
see there's so much complication, IDK who's hosting
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
namecheap since you have a cpanel there and are paying for hosting namecheap provides the servers that houses the files, the rest is just routing, interception, and security
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
In my mind, the way I understand it, Namecheap is my Host and I have pair it with which is the AI software programa nd website tool I'm using. Which by the way, is bridged with cloudflare serving as a security blanket. so all three of those syncronizations are not happening somehow, someway.
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
you'll need to look through the documentation to set it up properly the 162 ip might be theirs
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
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David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
set the cname on to point it to and remove the www from the domain in that screenshot
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
in when I enter that domain name in there, it's automatically prompts a pop up that redirects me to CF asking me if I want to verify and activate that name record
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
so in CF you would remove the a record and add teh cname for the root domain and modify www cname to point also to root domain
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
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David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
what are you showing me
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
there's 9 A records and I'm not sure which one you're telling me to remove. I think the cname is pointing to ludicrous
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
root domain =
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
so take out the IP address in the root domain a record and add the in it's place
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
no remove the record completely and add a cname record pointing to that you can't add a domain in an a record
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
you should also remove these 2 NS records
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David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
you also need to change the www cname to and not ludicrous and change the domain in ludicrous to the root domain 4 things you need to do
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
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Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
erase that line or change the A to CNAME?
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
erase can't change
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
David, do you work at Cloudflare? I've been screwing around with this trying to figure it out on my own. Now I'm getting Error 1016 I don't know if that's progress or taking backwards steps I've been thru 3 tech supports over the course of about 5 hours or more now. It's nearly 4am here and I'm still going trying to get this resolved. Namecheap is the host, but I've listed 2x nameservers for Cloudflare, so all my DNS records need to be arranged and edited properly at Cloudflare now, not Namecheap So they are reluctant to help me or cannot provide me with instructions on how to manage Cloudflare, since they don't work there
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
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Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago is my AI software program that tracks all my foot traffic, VSL funnel, marketing, automation, and is used to edit and publish the actual website itself. Namecheap <> Cloudflare <> all three need to be synced Is your recommendation to change all the IP addressed in CF dns records to the correct IP addresses? If so which is the correct address? replace all the that were automatically generated by CF to which is extracted from my DNS records at Namecheap? Would this point cloudflare to namecheap? For what it's worth. I don't think any of the 3 tech supports at Namecheap know either. made the amendments and still no change. went back to saying "OK!" in the top left corner instead of giving me the Error Code 1000 or 1016 Will a member of Cloudflare come around eventually and respond to this thread? Should I try posting it somewhere else in the discord? Do I need to tag a particular group?
fry694mo ago
Flare4mo ago
Please do not post your question in multiple channels/post it multiple times per the rules at ⁠#😃welcome-and-rules. It creates confusion for people trying to help you and doesn't get your issue or question solved any faster.
fry694mo ago
Flare4mo ago
Please do not ping community members for non-moderation reasons. Doing so will not solve your issue faster and will make people less likely to want to help you.
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
I didn't cross post anything
fry694mo ago
You asked if you should do it, also you asked if you should ping people here, there are your answers.
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
cool thanks. I'll keep waiting for help
fry694mo ago
I would not hold my breath. I'd recommend to read the documentation e.g. -> for a full authoritative namserver transfer (not registrar transfer) , if that is what you are trying to do. Otherwise it should only take about 10 mins (including waiting for DNS) at max to transfer a nameserver from e.g. Namecheap to Cloudflare.
Cloudflare Docs
Setup | Cloudflare DNS docs
If you want to use Cloudflare as your primary DNS provider and manage your DNS records on Cloudflare, your domain should be using a full setup.
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
Thank you for that. I've read through it and a few of the sublinks found therein; however, nothing there provided any help. I've already completed all those steps mentioned in this article.
David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
why did you change your ludicrous domain to link.otr?
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
I'm not sure why I did it other than it was in the instructional video when setting up The Developer instructed us to. I'll go back and try and find the video
Heli_ProfessorOP4mo ago
@David Wang I checked with another colleague of mine and had him send me a screen shot of his DNS records on Cloudflare, and his also is a link.
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David Wang
David Wang4mo ago
Then ask them But regardless how you do it, it needs to be consistent

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