Thank you very much for your efforts. The function is back. It ist the same feeling as befor - with
Thank you very much for your efforts. The function is back. It ist the same feeling as befor - with the delay. I finished my collective base only 10 of 15 days ago and I am quite shure I have this delay from the beginning. So I am afraid I cant help with the question if it came up with a change in the sim.
15 Replies
@walmis Did you do the diode test? It's a bit different as it shows whether the signal reaches the grip electronics. That will confirm whether there's no issues in the connector itself.
Now have done diode check and can confirm that the jst - grip is ok I get a reading of between 599 -660 on GND to each other pin
Im tearing my hair out at this, managed to also break a pi. On my warthog grip during all this diagnostics but my f-18 grip is showing the diode check is good
Where do I go from here
Following this pinout
Do you sell a complete cable and conector
Can you do a same diode test on the FFB board? (make sure it's unpwered)
Oh ok later tonight I hope
@walmis Ok
GND to
CK 512
CS 058
+5v 440
Does CS look correct?
Does anyone else experience some fairly violent shaking when flying the F-4? It's fine while I'm doing startup, but as soon as I get in the air over 200 kts it's jumping back and forth, left to right, fairly's tough enough that it's preventing me from flying the F-4 in anything other than a traffic pattern...any ideas on which part of TelemFFB to shut off?
I had to turn Jet Engine Rumble and Afterburner Rumble (or something like that) down quite a lot for the F4 or I got too much shaking. Think I ended up with them on 8 and 12.
No, that is not normal at all. There aren't even any TelemFFB effects that would do that.
Look at the TelemFFB monitor tab to see a list of which effects are active.
Also, post your configurator settings including the expert settings section (expand out the Dynamics/low pass/notch sections if you are running the new v1.0.17).
@walmis does the figures above look ok to you or do I have a faulty FFB board especialy CS figure
Yeah, CS looks busted
@walmis would the board be coverd by a warranty or do I need to buy a new board and if so how much
Just seen you list them on order page, new board ordered could you send a grip to board cable too please
Is there any way to roll back firmware?
Upgraded to latest beta, and would like to get back to release version.
@walmis Since I updated to firmware v1.0.17b4, and Configurator v1.0.17b2, I am only getting damping when moving the stick left, or forward. Aft and right, there's no damping, and the stick springs very quickly past center, then centers with the damping from the opposite direction.
Can you try importing the default configuration?
That did it, thanks. Sorry for the ping, I haven't used the configurator much, so I'll remember that for the future.
the app on the website wont update
my configurator is telling me its expecting 181 when 182 is installed