VALORANTβ€’4mo ago

Van 9005 & 79

I'll keep it simple 1) I got 9005 error and followed the official guide found that tpm isn't supported so i disabled vbs through both cmd and core isolation setting 2) After restart got another error on game startup called van 79 😡 and to solve this checked more guides 3) tried manually starting vgc got incorrect function error so uninstalled vanguard used two commands on cmd to turn off testing mode then installed vanguard again Restarted the pc and still the same incorrect function error 4) re-enabled vbs and error 79 is gone but the 9005 is back πŸ€• can anyone help??
36 Replies
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
My OS is win10 @jidat can u help bro?
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenixβ€’4mo ago
does your machine support tpm?
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
Disable vbs if ur pc doesn't have tpm2.0 for now
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
@Sapphire Phoenix i guess not or maybe it's disabled cuz according to AI my motherboard does support tpm 2.0 but isn't that exclusive to windows 11 while i am running win 10 I have disabled vbs but for some reason after disabling vbs vgc service does not start and when i try to manually start it... It gives incorrect function error I also tried those two commands on cmd but still the same problem.. Van 79 @jidat why is it that on disabling vbs the vgc service doesn't start My boot mode is by default UEFI but secure boot is off and i think on win10 i don't need to turn on secure boot right? Because i don't even get error related to it
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
Before anything else Press win+r Type msinfo32 Show ss Lemme check if u even need to disable vbs in the first place
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
No description
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
@jidat here
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
Yea u don't need to disable vbs U can just enable tpm Press win+r Type tpm.msc Show ss
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
ohhh i will enable it then okkk
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
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ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
and this is the error i get when vbs is disabled
No description
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
Pretty sure u will get the same error even with vbs enabled Anyways Do uk how to get into the bios?
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
@jidat no it didn't when vbs was enabled i can even enter a match but then it crashes to van error 9005
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
Ah Brb
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
Yes i do know how to enter bios but the rest i don't and i saw a youtube video where a guy teaches how to enable secure boot in bios some people achieve success but most people end up with a black screen or booting up to the bios again and again in a loop... I would've entered the bios to enable secure boot and tpm but thinking about the risk when i just got my pc back from severe gpu repair like a month ago so i start getting second thoughts... @jidat you're the expert here... So will it be safe if you guide me? M a web developer as well so my job and learning depend on this pcπŸ˜… What do u suggest?
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
Get into the bios Use ur phone to chat here Worst case scenario, u have to do a cmos reset But will it happen? Nah
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
Cmos reset requires me to remove almost every external hardware does it not?
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
I wouldn't say every hardware Just removing the side panel and the gpu (if its in the way) is everything basically Unless its a laptop
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenixβ€’4mo ago
laptop will be a minor inconvenience
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
Idek what kinda shenanigans u would need to pull to reset cmos on a laptop And not break a little something in doing so
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
What are the chances of success here? I don't earn money yet so if something goes wrong my career is doomed πŸ˜…
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
U should ask what are the chances of ur hardware getting bricked And my reply would be none A windows reinstall and a cmos reset will always work for this
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
Let it be i'd rather not take the risk after watching horrifying comments of most who did it I'd rather take it to a nearby computer store later and let them do it safer that wayπŸ˜… i can wait for valorant Thanks for trying to help thoughπŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
Sapphire Phoenix
Sapphire Phoenixβ€’4mo ago
just have to remove the battery. but to access the battery... thats another story
dumbβ€’4mo ago
I mean nvm
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
@Lira the goose :3 | Mimi <3 i contacted the technical team and gave them logs for some reason they're giving me every other solution except messing with the bios after looking at the logs and my system info
dumbβ€’4mo ago
I'm gnna assume u told them about van 79 even though it's a completely unrelated issue
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
@Lira the goose :3 | Mimi <3 i told them everything from the start from van 9005 to van 79 and every steps i took and they can actually see everything in the logs i gave them from riot repair tool so i think they have every info they need and they haven't suggested me to mess with the bios yet
dumbβ€’4mo ago
hmm we'll see I'm gnna assume they're worried about van 79 more than 9005
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
First they actually told me the steps to disable vbs so yeah they were worried about vbs in the start but i got no success in solving the problem so they moved on to other instructions like dep, changing locale and nx
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
Ngl i would just enable tpm
ZorgonOPβ€’4mo ago
@jidat tpm may solve my problem but idk why they're not suggesting that yet πŸ˜… I'll see where it goes and update here... Messing with the bios is the last thing i would do
Jidatβ€’4mo ago
They prob just trying to fix the van 79 error with vbs disabled

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