Agent Concept

(its my friend's, he asked me to post it for him)
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35 Replies
jiuyue ΰΌ‰
jiuyue ΰΌ‰β€’4mo ago
thats sick
narratorβ€’4mo ago
The ultimate is way too op
Pancakesβ€’4mo ago
Caspiano97β€’4mo ago
Sacrificial healing is to bad and ghostly fear is to op like it van stop an entire execute easily
Rainβ€’4mo ago
Ghostly fear would just basically be a cross between kayo knife and omen paranoia wouldn't it? I don't see how it would be OP. As for sacrificial healing, without a way of gaining health back I agree it'd be almost useless.
Caspiano97β€’4mo ago
It says that it disables placed objects like kj ult so then it would be so strong against kj viper and other agents with really strong ults
Rainβ€’4mo ago
Kayo's knife doesn't do that?
Caspiano97β€’4mo ago
Rainβ€’4mo ago
I was under the impression kayos knife disabled all abilities of the agent it touches
Caspiano97β€’4mo ago
It doesn’t disable ults
VoidReal99β€’4mo ago
i mean its good but u kinda ripped of all the abilitys from other agents
Rainβ€’4mo ago
I could've swore it disables phoenix's ult at the very least
VoidReal99β€’4mo ago
sacrificial healing is just a skyes heal wander ghost is just fades first ability the hound one
Caspiano97β€’4mo ago
No don’t think so
VoidReal99β€’4mo ago
ghastly fear is just a omens blind combined with kayo knife the ultimate is just a ripoff of kj's lockdown but worse even the icons are stolen first one is from sages heal second one omens smoke third one omens blind last one sovas ult
I think it'd be better if every 1hp grave gives to his teammates Multiplies, for example sacrificing 50 from you hp would heal ur teammates 100...
VoidReal99β€’4mo ago
the ultimate should just be u can place a grave whenever somebody gets near the grave u get alerted and a projectle flies at them wich blinds them or dazes them so basicly its a heavily modified fade + cypher traps + omens blind wich would fit a character about death since fade and omen are dark sided
i thought of making the ult give Grave a big circle around him that slows off enemies, and after a period of time, like 10secs... everyone from the enemy team in that circle dies, but Grave would die too after those 10secs so its like a sacrifice
VoidReal99β€’4mo ago
who tf would use a agent that requires you to give up ur own life u cant even know if anyone is inside so u can die for no reason and waste ur ult at the same times also nobody would ever use it u would never be able to get a full buy
it'd be good for retakes and stuff, it'd be good for strategic plays... i mean its only if ur dumb enough to use it at the very wrong time that u'd waste it and die without gettin anyone
VoidReal99β€’4mo ago
bro how could it be good for retakes also it would make no sense at all he can controll life right?
People from enemy team would run away from the circle so they dont js die?
VoidReal99β€’4mo ago
yeah but if they run away bro dies for nothing if ur solo trying to defuse u just cant use it in a 1v1 half ur abilitys are USELESS ur aiming for someone who can give and take life well then why isnt the ultimate based on giving or taking life instantly killing all people in a ring is just more of a cheat then a ultimate its basicly just a brimstone ult if u think about it
it won't be so easy to run tho as i said ppl in the circle will be slowed, except teammates its works a bit like a KJ ult where u need to get out of the circle or else ur detained That's the case for most Sentinels tho
Caspiano97β€’4mo ago
The ult could be really usefull when you are Saving becouse then it really doesnt matter if he dies couse he only has a classic
VoidReal99β€’4mo ago
A bit The whole kj ult is stolen Except for the effect Its littarly A large slow orb and kayo/kj ult A better version would be A sytche holdable
tony shark
tony sharkβ€’4mo ago
why r u hating like chill out
dumbβ€’4mo ago
it disables ults?? just ones that make sense, kayos suppress just stops you from using or controlling any active abilities therefore passives like phoinex already being activated or Reyna don't count, it will however cancel a gekko thrash, disable raze ult etc.
azeukiβ€’4mo ago
different agent but same name (made this a couple of months back) wise minds think alike 🫑
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VoidReal99β€’4mo ago
Now this one Is better Although the ability a are makeshift other ones they were modified to be sigma Reynas eye and here uh second soul orb thing
this one might actuallt be better than mine
azeukiβ€’4mo ago
nah bro theyre just different 🫑
Krazyduckβ€’4mo ago
It disables chamber ult
Pixel_Warrior_β€’4mo ago
Damm budy your friend have cooked..
my name is not unique
my name is not uniqueβ€’3mo ago
that would defiantly be my main, she looks so much fun to play with.

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