Hardstuck 😞
i have been hardstuck gold for so many acts now like i cant find my way out of it any suggestions, here is my tracker
9 Replies

choose one or two agents and stick to them. i recommend clove/omen because then u got smokes. but u could also try cypher/sova. if u feel like you should be fragging out every game, play duelists. Make sure you have a lot of games in a row with the same agent, stick to it, and then see what happens
i mostly play fill though cause of the instalockers
Spam Reyna you can literally get diamond with just understanding good fights and having good mechs. Also you should play more deathmatch considering how much comp you play, make sure ur confident in ur ability to frag on golds or whoever is in ur lobby after playing the deathmatch. I’ll review a dm if you want also.
Was also hardstuck gold for like almost 4 acts, don’t think you can’t get out
Filling has almost no benefit in gold since you don’t even know what to do in the first place
You don’t need to play Reyna but just stick to one yeah
i dont touch grass :D
i lag a little bit when recording ill do it after ths game
i said this to one bronzer and he cried
Yuh deathmatch is gud
sent it to u in dms