computer crashes after closing valorant
i don't know why but every time i close val it gives me a bsod and it's always the same error code: MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. this is a new pc by the way, i built it, all parts are new and work perfectly
29 Replies
What kind of error is that? @normal account
not sure what it is
@normal account yo
do u have the omen app?
no, why?
although when i recently closed it, it didn't crash
maybe the new update fixed it?
hey is the bsod memory management bug fixed yet?
we got a fix yes
so i can turn memory integrity back on?
release of the fix is still underprogress we just testing things
ah ok
@cxrrupt actually
do me a favour
memory integrity first
then go here C:\Windows and delete 392667600.dat

and restart
actually before you all do that do u have an app called "OMEN GAMING HUB"
on ur PC?
alright brilliant
i dont have that file
go by date modified
should be there

no bro
aight what now
memory integrity is on?
if yes start he game and wait like 3-4 min in the main menu
the close the game
see if u bsod
it doesnt bsod anymore
thanks for helping king
let me know if u bsod